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Son Eduard Evgen'evich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Dependences of flame propagation characteristics on heterogeneous reactions of intermediate particles

    TVT, 61:1 (2023),  91–97
  2. AC electric discharge in a $1\%$ sodium chloride solution in distilled water at low pressures

    TVT, 60:4 (2022),  625–628
  3. Electric processes in atmospheric air

    TVT, 60:4 (2022),  589–624
  4. Optimizing the injection of two-phase gasification products of power condensed compositions into a model combustion chamber with small extention

    TVT, 60:1 (2022),  94–102
  5. Аналитическая аппроксимация для уравнения состояния вырожденного электронного газа

    TVT, 59:6 (2021),  952–955
  6. Gordon method for the generation of nanowires and high-temperature processes in superfluid helium

    TVT, 59:3 (2021),  337–344
  7. Design of materials for nuclear energy applications: First-principles calculations and artificial intelligence methods

    TVT, 58:6 (2020),  915–950
  8. Experimental research of gasdynamic liquid drops breakup in the supersonic flow with an oblique shock wave

    TVT, 58:6 (2020),  884–892
  9. Destruction of high-voltage transformers in an explosion and the interaction of shock waves with walls

    TVT, 58:5 (2020),  770–781
  10. Plasma disposal in problems of ecology (review)

    TVT, 58:4 (2020),  536–562
  11. Heat-resistance tests of high-temperature composite materials via laser heating in a supersonic flow

    TVT, 58:3 (2020),  419–425
  12. Efficient generator of low-temperature argon plasma with an expanding channel of the output

    TVT, 58:1 (2020),  15–24
  13. Bubble method of water purification

    TVT, 57:2 (2019),  316–319
  14. On the construction of turbulent transfer spectral models using 3D numerical simulation of Taylor–Green vortex decay

    TVT, 56:6 (2018),  921–926
  15. Effect of gravity on premixed methane–air flames

    TVT, 56:1 (2018),  84–91
  16. Solving fluid-structure interaction problems using the FlowVision and CAE Fidesys software packages

    Chebyshevskii Sb., 18:3 (2017),  28–43
  17. CABARET scheme implementation for free shear layer modeling

    Computer Research and Modeling, 9:6 (2017),  881–903
  18. Peculiarities of electric discharge between jet anode and metal cathode

    TVT, 55:6 (2017),  775–777
  19. Spectral diagnostics of plasma discharge between a metal cathode and liquid anode

    TVT, 55:3 (2017),  472–475
  20. The experimental study of an impulse electric discharge with liquid electrodes

    TVT, 55:2 (2017),  317–319
  21. Numerical simulation of gas flow past scale model of hypersonic vehicle in wind tunnel

    TVT, 55:2 (2017),  280–285
  22. Stability of thermoviscous fluid flow under high temperature gradients

    TVT, 55:1 (2017),  131–138
  23. Kinetic and electrical phenomena in gas–liquid systems

    TVT, 54:5 (2016),  792–816
  24. Premixed combustion study: Turbulence in the nozzle behind grids and spheres

    TVT, 54:3 (2016),  403–408
  25. Supersonic plasmatron nozzle profiling with the real properties of high temperature working gas

    TVT, 54:1 (2016),  38–45
  26. Some pecularities of electric discharge between a solid electrode and technical water

    TVT, 54:1 (2016),  29–31
  27. Shock wave in a gas–liquid bubble medium

    TVT, 53:6 (2015),  883–887
  28. Experimental modeling of lightning discharge into soil

    TVT, 53:6 (2015),  819–823
  29. Generation of metal nanoclusters and microparticles

    TVT, 53:5 (2015),  782–791
  30. Model of glow discharge betweenan an electrolytic anode and a metallic cathode

    TVT, 53:2 (2015),  193–197
  31. Pecluraties of microwave discharge between a copper pin electrode and technical water

    TVT, 52:6 (2014),  961–964
  32. Nonlinear impulse current spreading and electrical breakdown in soil

    TVT, 52:6 (2014),  825–831
  33. Electrical breakdown voltage of transformer oil with gas bubbles

    TVT, 52:5 (2014),  770–773
  34. Fluid flow with abrupt viscosity–temperature dependence

    TVT, 52:5 (2014),  723–729
  35. Electrical Discharges with Liquid Electrodes Used in Water Decontamination

    TVT, 52:4 (2014),  512–519
  36. Shock Wave-Boundary Layer Interaction on the Non-adiabatic Ramp Surface

    TVT, 52:2 (2014),  220–224
  37. Probe Measurements of Plasma Parameters in Torch Plasmatron

    TVT, 52:2 (2014),  145–149
  38. Interaction of a shock wave with a turbulent boundary layer on a heated surface

    TVT, 51:6 (2013),  891–896
  39. Current investigations of thermophysical properties of substances (based on recent publications in the journal High Temperature)

    TVT, 51:3 (2013),  392–411
  40. Experimental study of impulse outflow of high temperature gas from a discharge chamber with cylindrical and expanding channels

    TVT, 51:3 (2013),  381–391
  41. Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of Noncongruent Melting of Binary Materials

    TVT, 49:6 (2011),  872–879
  42. Certain Features of Multichannel Discharge in a Tube under Atmospheric Pressure

    TVT, 49:5 (2011),  788–792
  43. Multichannel Discharge Between Jet Electrolyte Cathode and Jet Electrolyte Anode

    TVT, 49:3 (2011),  333–337
  44. Simulation of Chemical Transformation Wave Propagation through a Flow Reactor with a Microbubble Medium

    TVT, 49:2 (2011),  225–234
  45. Electric Conductivity of Molecular Hydrogen Plasma with Alkali Metal Additive

    TVT, 49:1 (2011),  135–137
  46. Сверхзвуковое обтекание воздухом профиля крыла при инициировании скользящего разряда на его поверхности

    TVT, 48:supplementary issue (2010),  93–101
  47. Управление сверхзвуковым потоком газа тепловыми вихрями

    TVT, 48:supplementary issue (2010),  3–8
  48. Plasma aerodynamics in a supersonic gas flow

    TVT, 48:6 (2010),  948–955
  49. Probe diagnostics of nuclear-excited plasma of uranium hexafluoride

    TVT, 48:6 (2010),  828–844
  50. Electric breakdown along a jet electrolytic cathode at low pressures

    TVT, 48:5 (2010),  785–787
  51. The simulation of a gas-liquid chemical reactor with dispersed medium

    TVT, 48:4 (2010),  600–611
  52. Vapor-air discharges between Jet electrolytic cathode and metal anode at low pressure

    TVT, 48:3 (2010),  470–472
  53. Rayleigh-Taylor instability of viscoplastic liquid

    TVT, 47:6 (2009),  830–834
  54. Special features of a multichannel discharge in a porous solid cathode

    TVT, 47:4 (2009),  633–634
  55. Special features of a multichannel discharge with a jet electrolytic anode at atmospheric pressure

    TVT, 46:4 (2008),  623–624
  56. Special features of a multichannel discharge with solid and electrolytic electrodes at atmospheric pressure

    TVT, 45:2 (2007),  316–317
  57. Steady-State Flow of Two Viscous Immiscible Incompressible Fluids in a Plane Channel

    TVT, 43:5 (2005),  768–773
  58. Vapor-air discharges between electrolytic cathode and metal anode at atmospheric pressure

    TVT, 43:1 (2005),  5–10
  59. Determining the radiative thermal conductivity of uranium hexafluoride by reactor heating

    TVT, 29:3 (1991),  468–473
  60. Transport processes in vibrationally excited molecular gases

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 28:2 (1987),  10–17
  61. Convective instability of thermal waves near boundaries

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 26:4 (1985),  30–34
  62. Краткие сообщения о зависимости скорости ионизации атомов в электрическом поле от степени ионизации

    TVT, 22:3 (1984),  600–602
  63. Ionization of atoms and molecules in a weakly ionized plasma in an external electric-field

    TVT, 20:3 (1982),  412–417
  64. Nonequilibrium vibrational excitation of molecules behind a shock wave front in gaseous mixtures

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 22:5 (1981),  49–54
  65. Energy-distribution function of electrons and rate of $3$-body adhesion to oxygen when an ionization source acts on the gas

    TVT, 19:1 (1981),  16–21
  66. Removal of Rayleigh-Taylor Instablllty of a Conducting Fluid by a Magnetic Field and a Heat Flux

    TVT, 18:4 (1980),  769–774
  67. Optical properties of low-temperature uranium and potassium-uranium plasmas

    TVT, 17:6 (1979),  1121–1127
  68. Возбуждение электронных уровней в газоразрядной азотной плазме

    TVT, 17:1 (1979),  210–211
  69. Влияние колебательной температуры на скорости электронных возбуждении двухатомных молекул

    TVT, 16:6 (1978),  1162–1166
  70. Электропроводность цезиевой плазмы

    TVT, 15:2 (1977),  411–415
  71. Effective transport coefficients of a plasma in the local thermodynamic equilibrium approximation

    TVT, 14:5 (1976),  921–926
  72. Diffusion in multicomponent gaseous mixtures in a model of local thermodynamic equilibrium

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 16:4 (1975),  51–55
  73. К исследованию электропроводности слабонеидеальнои плазмы на ударной трубе

    TVT, 9:5 (1971),  1062–1064
  74. Decay of a highly ionized plasma

    TVT, 8:6 (1970),  1128–1132

  75. Андрей Георгиевич Забродский, к 75-летию со дня рождения

    Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 91:6 (2021),  893–894
  76. In memory of Andrei Nikonovich Starostin

    UFN, 190:7 (2020),  781–782
  77. In memory of Aleksandr Sergeevich Kholodov

    Matem. Mod., 30:1 (2018),  135–136
  78. Erratum: “Electrical discharges with liquid electrodes used in water decontamination” [High Temperature 52, 490 (2014)]

    TVT, 53:3 (2015),  458

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