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Tleukenov Sadriten
Tleukenov Sadriten
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1995)

Birth date: 28.04.1951
Keywords: Matriciant method, Seismic waves, acoustic, thermoelastic, electromagnetic, piezoelastic waves.
UDC: 534.756, 530.1:537.8, 539.3:, 534.2


Seismic waves in an inhomogeneous medium. Matriciant method. The analytic representation of the coupled waves and transformation of energy in piezoelectric, magnetoelectric, thermoelastic anisotropic media. The location of the roots of the dispersion equation of the inhomogeneous waveguide.

Main publications:
  1. Tleukenov SK, “Contact conditions of elastic media with the interlayer”, J. Sov. Math., 1991, no. 55, 1763–1766
  2. Erzhanov ZH.S., Zhubaes N.ZH., Tleukenov S.K., “Seismic waves in an Inhomogeneous medium”, Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik. – Leipzig, 1985, no. 1, 45–51
  3. Tleykenov S., “Investigation of the thin layer influence of the boundary conditions”, Abstacts “Seminar on eastquare processe and their consequences”, Kurukshetra, India, 1989, 4–7
  4. S. K. Tleukenov, “Disposition of roots of the dispersion equation of a waveguide periodically inhomogeneous according to depth”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 55:3 (1991), 1766–1770
  5. S. K. Tleukenov, “Characteristic matrix of a periodically inhomogeneous layer”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 50:6 (1990), 2058–2062

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