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Ptushkin Anatoly Ivanovich
Candidate of technical sciences

Speciality: 05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
Birth date: 17.07.1938
Keywords: economy, technology, systemology, modeling, information and analytical technologies, systems, efficiency, planning, CALS.
UDC: 51:1, 510.25, 510.5, 510.6, 517.18, 517.521, 517.58, 517.965, 517.968.22, 517.977, 519.1, 519.2, 519.65, 519.7, 519.8
MSC: 03E72, 26E50, 28E10, 49L20, 49M25, 49M27, 60K10, 62C86, 62N05, 62N86, 65K05, 65Y04, 65Y20, 68M20, 68Q25, 68W40, 90B05, 90B25, 90B35, 90B36, 90B50, 90C27, 90C29, 90C35, 90C39, 90C90, 91B06, 91B30, 91B44, 91B64, 91B82, 93A05, 93A10, 93A13, 93A14, 93A15, 93A30, 94D05


Applied systemology, conceptual and mathematical modeling, and analysis of information technology in the economy, the economic analysis of the functioning of organizational-technical systems, program-oriented planning and management, research potential socio-economic systems, the CALS theory for products and systems.

Main publications:
  1. I. V. Lysenko, A. I. Ptushkin, “Effektivnye algoritmy dinamicheskogo programmirovaniya v zadachakh optimalnogo upravleniya na setyakh”, Teoriya grafov, 1990, № 6, 64–71
  2. I. V. Lysenko, A. I. Ptushkin, “Effektivnyi algoritm sinteza mnogoprotsessornoi geterogennoi vychislitelnoi sistemy”, Avtomatika i vychislitelnaya tekhnika, 1990, № 3, 79–88
  3. A. I. Ptushkin, I. V. Lysenko, “Optimalnoe raspredelenie ogranichennogo tselochislennogo resursa na seti proizvolnoi topologii”, Kibernetika, 1991, № 3, 77–87
  4. A. I. Ptushkin, I. V. Lysenko, “Optimal distribution of a scarce integer resource on a network of arbitrary topology”, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 27:3 (1991), 376–389
  5. A. S. Geida, I. V. Lysenko, A. I. Ptushkin, E. V. Sedlov, “Metod planirovaniya innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti”, Programmnye produkty i sistemy, 2011, № 4, 11-16

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