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Mikhailov Sergei Vladimirovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Accuracy evaluation of modern effective codes by comparing calculated and experimental data on the example of problem about supersonic viscous turbulent gas flow around the tandem of back-forcing and forward-forcing steps

    Mat. Model., 35:10 (2023),  69–112
  2. Experimental verification of the method and code for calculating low-frequency fluctuations at the jet boundary of a full-scale subsonic looped type wind tunnel

    Mat. Model., 35:9 (2023),  77–95
  3. A high-order accuracy method for calculating the initial icing stage of civil aircraft structural elements

    Mat. Model., 35:9 (2023),  22–44
  4. Mathematical modelling as an integral part of the wind tunnels experimental methodology

    Mat. Model., 34:7 (2022),  93–112
  5. Numerical simulation of low frequency fluctuations in jet mixing layer of real scale wind tunnel and experience of actuators modelling for ones suppressing

    Mat. Model., 33:7 (2021),  79–92
  6. Numerical simulation of supersonic separated flow over inclined backward-facing step using RANS and LES methods

    Mat. Model., 31:11 (2019),  3–20
  7. Comparison of two higher accuracy unstructured scale-resolving approaches applied to dual-stream nozzle jet simulation

    Mat. Model., 31:10 (2019),  130–144
  8. Comparison of gradient approximation methods in schemes designed for scale-resolving simulations

    Mat. Model., 31:10 (2019),  7–21
  9. Efficiency of two approaches to computing the flow around an airfoil with flaps in the case of flow separation

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 59:1 (2019),  87–101
  10. Unsteady high order accuracy DG method for turbulent flow modeling

    Mat. Model., 30:5 (2018),  37–56
  11. Principles of creating code for solving the aerodynamics and aeroacoustics

    Mat. Model., 29:9 (2017),  49–61
  12. Experience of validation and tuning of turbulence models as applied to the problem of boundary layer separation on a finite-width wedge

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 56:6 (2016),  1034–1048
  13. On the accuracy of numerical calculation of the boundary layer separation on a finite-width wedge

    Mat. Model., 27:10 (2015),  32–46
  14. Experience of CFD data implementation for preparation and performing wind tunnel tests

    Mat. Model., 25:9 (2013),  43–62
  15. Comparison of TVD and WENO schemes in the case of wave packet transport and vortex numerical diffusion problems

    Mat. Model., 23:11 (2011),  99–110
  16. An experience of using CFD methods in experimental works in TsAGI

    Mat. Model., 23:11 (2011),  65–98

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