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Andreev Viktor Vasilevich
Andreev Viktor Vasilevich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences

Birth date: 26.12.1959
Keywords: meson, analytical calculations, Calculation method of matrix elements.


theoretical physics.

Main publications:
  1. Andreev, V. V., “Spinor techniques for massive fermions with arbitrary polarization”, Phys. Rev. D., 62 (2000), 014029
  2. Andreev, V. V., “Analytical calculation of $S$-matrix elements of reaction with fermions”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 502 (2003), 607–609
  3. Andreev, V. V., “Analiticheskoe vychislenie feinmanovskikh amplitud”, Yadernaya fizika, 66 (2003), 410–420
  4. Andreev, V. V., Metody vychisleniya amplitud v kvantovopolevykh teoriyakh i modelyakh, UO "Gomelskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. F. Skoriny, Gomel, 2004
  5. Andreev, V. V., “Oblast konstanty KKhD nizhe 1 GeV v puankare-kovariantnoi modeli”, Pisma v EChAYa, 8:4 (2011), 581–596

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