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Meyerov Iosif Borisovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Formation of beams of charged particles in multibeam systems of an electric dipole configuration at a multipetawatt power level

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  150–156
  2. Source of gamma photons in multipetawatt multibeam systems of electric dipole configuration

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  145–149
  3. Possibility of observing radiation effects in the interaction of ultra-high-power laser radiation of a magnetic dipole configuration with plasma

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  136–144
  4. Vacuum breakdown in a multibeam configuration of a magnetic dipole wave

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  130–135
  5. Programming with oneAPI: a new course on heterogeneous computing

    Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 11:3 (2022),  45–58
  6. Quest and Intel-QS quantum computation simulation packages performance comparison

    Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 10:1 (2021),  49–61
  7. Few particle diffusion in localizing potentials: Chaos and regularity

    Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 25:1 (2017),  52–63
  8. Experimental evaluation of algorithms in the parallel multilevel nested dissection method

    Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 6:1 (2017),  38–55
  9. Generation of current sheets and giant quasistatic magnetic fields at the ionization of vacuum in extremely strong light fields

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 102:3 (2015),  173–178
  10. Three-dimensional particle-in-cell plasma simulation on Intel Xeon Phi: performance optimization and case study

    Num. Meth. Prog., 16:4 (2015),  486–500
  11. A parallel multilevel nested dissection algorithm for shared-memory computing systems

    Num. Meth. Prog., 16:3 (2015),  407–420
  12. Particle-in-cell plasma simulation using Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors

    Num. Meth. Prog., 15:3 (2014),  530–536
  13. Dynamic load balancing in the PICADOR plasma simulation code

    Num. Meth. Prog., 14:3 (2013),  67–74
  14. Development of software tool for the analysis of energy efficiency

    Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 2:2 (2013),  33–47
  15. Approaches to the optimization and parallelization of computations in the problem of detecting objects of different classes in the image

    Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 2012, no. 2,  68–82

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