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Tsapurin Konstantin Aleksandrovich

Birth date: 16.12.1977
Keywords: pipeline, crack-like defects, method of interpolation polynomials, not-canonical decomposition, stress intensity factor, statistical dynamics problem, reliability function.


1. Modeling of a semi-elliptic crack and calculation of parameters of mechanics of destruction. 2.The coefficients of the stress intensity for pipes with a non-through the cracks 3. The solution of a problem of statistical dynamics for the pipeline. 4. An assessment of reliability of pipeline systems with cracks methods of interpolation polynoms

Main publications:
  1. Glushkov S.V., Skvortsov Yu.V., Tsapurin K.A., “Otsenka pokazatelei prochnosti i nadezhnosti podzemnoi truboprovodnoi sistemy”, Izvestiya Samar. nauch. tsentra RAN, 13:4(4) (2011), 1168–1171
  2. Perov S.N., Skvortsov Yu.V., Tsapurin K.A., Konechno-elementnoe modelirovanie poluellipticheskoi treschiny i vychislenie parametrov mekhaniki razrusheniya, Dep. V VINITI #218-V2006 ot 02.03.2006, Samar. gos. aerokosm. un-t, Samara, 2006, 24 ñ.
  3. Perov S.N., Skvortsov Yu.V., Tsapurin K.A., “Koeffitsienty intensivnosti napryazhenii dlya trub s neskvoznymi treschinami”, Izvestiya Samar. nauch. tsentra RAN, 10:3(25) (2008), 905–910
  4. Perov S.N., Skvortsov Yu.V., Tsapurin K.A., “Reshenie zadachi statisticheskoi dinamiki dlya magistralnogo nefteprovoda”, Vestnik Samar. gos. aerokosm. un-ta, 2006, № 1, 187–193
  5. Perov S.N., Skvortsov Yu.V., Tsapurin K.A., “Otsenka nadezhnosti truboprovodnykh sistem s treschinami metodami interpolyatsionnykh polinomov”, Zavodskaya laboratoriya. Diagnostika materialov, 76:5 (2010), 49–52

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