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Nefedov Anatolii Pavlovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Investigation of distribution of lithium atoms in the boundary layer of the flow of combustion products

    TVT, 38:5 (2000),  769–774
  2. Ordered structures of microparticles in a glow discharge

    TVT, 38:5 (2000),  701–705
  3. Relaxation of the composition of combustion products in cylindrical channels

    TVT, 38:4 (2000),  614–622
  4. Investigation of the singularities of distribution of cesium atoms in the boundary layer of the flow of combustion products

    TVT, 38:1 (2000),  66–73
  5. The effect of finely divided particles and ionizing radiation on the characteristics of low-temperature plasma

    TVT, 37:1 (1999),  18–25
  6. The effect of finely divided particles and ionizing radiation on the characteristics of low-temperature plasma

    TVT, 36:6 (1998),  877–882
  7. Nonequilibrium of concentration of carbon monoxide under conditions of interaction between a high-temperature flow of combustion products and a cooled plate

    TVT, 36:3 (1998),  470–474
  8. Experimental determination of the diffusion coefficient for macroparticles in a thermal plasma by correlation spectroscopy

    TVT, 36:1 (1998),  141–146
  9. Spectral pyrometry of "nongray" particles in high-temperature two-phase flows

    TVT, 35:6 (1997),  955–961
  10. The method of determining the mean size, concentration and refractive index of particles in high-temperature flows

    TVT, 35:5 (1997),  795–801
  11. Optical ultraviolet gas analyzer for monitoring the $\mathrm{NO}$ and $\mathrm{SO}_2$ contents

    TVT, 35:4 (1997),  620–625
  12. The effect of the size distribution of particles on the optical properties of the disperse phase of solid fuel combustion products

    TVT, 35:2 (1997),  271–277
  13. Quasicrystalline structures in strongly coupled dusty plasma

    UFN, 167:11 (1997),  1215–1226
  14. $\mathrm{CO}$ relaxation in the combustion product flow in a channel with cold walls

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:3 (1996),  318–321
  15. Radiation transfer in two-phase high-temperature media in approximation of finite multiplicity of scattering: Part 2

    TVT, 32:5 (1994),  707–713
  16. Radiation transfer in two-phase high-temperature media of different geometry in an approximation of finite multiplicity of scattering: Part 1

    TVT, 32:4 (1994),  558–566
  17. Optical diagnostics of the conversion of coal particles in a flow of plasma of combustion products

    TVT, 32:3 (1994),  452–458
  18. Measurements of reduced absorption index in far wings of $\mathrm{Na}$$\mathrm{D}$ lines in $\mathrm{H}_2$/$\mathrm{O}_2$/$\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}$ flame

    TVT, 32:2 (1994),  200–208
  19. Calculation of the scattering and absorbing characteristics of spherical particles in high-temperature flows

    TVT, 30:5 (1992),  983–991
  20. Hydroxyl concentration profiles in a boundary layer composed of combustion products

    TVT, 29:6 (1991),  1148–1156
  21. Measurement of the charged-particle density in combustion-product plasmas by electric probes

    TVT, 29:4 (1991),  633–640
  22. System for diagnosing particles in high-temperature streams

    TVT, 27:4 (1989),  777–783
  23. Laser fluorescence determination of the hydroxyl concentration in flames

    TVT, 26:6 (1988),  1057–1065
  24. Formation kinetics of sodium compounds in combustion product plasmas of propane in air

    TVT, 26:4 (1988),  625–632
  25. Calibrated low-temperature plasma source for diagnostic research

    TVT, 25:5 (1987),  852–856
  26. К вопросу об определении электропроводности рабочего тела МГД-установок

    TVT, 24:1 (1986),  194–196
  27. Laser transit-time anemometer for diagnostics of extended high-temperature flows

    TVT, 23:4 (1985),  792–797
  28. Определение концентрации атомов присадки в плазме продуктов сгорания методом резонансной флуоресценции

    TVT, 23:3 (1985),  620–621
  29. Device for measuring the boundary-layer parameters in a high-temperature gas-stream

    TVT, 23:3 (1985),  572–576
  30. Estimating the effects of a magnetic-field on plasma conductivity measurement by the circuit quality factor method

    TVT, 22:3 (1984),  557–563
  31. Экспериментальное исследование коэффициента поглощения резонансных дублетов лития, калия, рубидия в плазме продуктов сгорания

    TVT, 21:5 (1983),  1011–1014
  32. Измерение отражательной способности стенок МГД-генератора

    TVT, 21:4 (1983),  815–817
  33. Experimental investigation of absorption-coefficient of cesium resonance doublets in a plasma of combustion products

    TVT, 20:6 (1982),  1032–1037
  34. Экспериментальное определение профилей электропроводности и температуры в пограничном слое МГД-генератора

    TVT, 20:3 (1982),  586–588
  35. Three-dimensional flow of a viscous fluid with a free surface

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 240:5 (1978),  1050–1053
  36. Investigation of the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of the working fluid of large MHD generators

    TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1284–1293
  37. Диагностика плазмы на установке У-$25$

    TVT, 12:2 (1974),  417–424
  38. Об измерении температуры неоднородного источника излучения методом обращения

    TVT, 10:6 (1972),  1317–1318
  39. Исследование влияния температуры двойного охлаждаемого зонда на измеряемую им температуру электронов в плазме при атмосферном давлении

    TVT, 7:4 (1969),  626–632
  40. Влияние теплового пограничного слоя в канале на измерение температуры потока плазмы методом обращения спектральных линий

    TVT, 7:3 (1969),  495–501

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