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Belokursky M S

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Almost periodic solutions of the almost periodic Abel equation with linear reflecting function

    PFMT, 2020, no. 4(45),  88–90
  2. The condition of the absence of strongly irregular periodic solutions of the system of two linear discrete periodic equations

    PFMT, 2018, no. 3(36),  67–69
  3. Erugin’s problem on the existence of irregular solutions in one case of the linear system with nonzero mean of periodic coefficient

    PFMT, 2015, no. 3(24),  51–54
  4. On coincidence of reflecting functions of the quasi-periodic and periodic differential systems

    PFMT, 2015, no. 1(22),  58–61
  5. Irregular solutions of linear almost periodic differential systems in resonant case

    Tr. Inst. Mat., 21:2 (2013),  63–69
  6. The cubic nonautonomous differential systems, equivalent in sense of coincidence of reflecting functions to embedable systems

    PFMT, 2011, no. 4(9),  75–78

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