11.00.11 (Conservation of surroundings and the most efficient use of natural resources)
Birth date:
E-mail: Keywords: Classification, aerospace researches, geo-information methods, system diagnostics, simulation
Classification of vegetation. Principles and methods of regional geobotanical information diagnostics. Geo-information methods of regional environment diagnostics. System natural regionalization. Simulation of Natural Systems.
Main publications:
I.S. Ilina, N.V. Kobeleva, Kolichestvennyi analiz kart prirody s tselyu raionirovaniya (na primere geobotanicheskoi karty Srednego Priobya), Izd-vo LGU, Leningrad, 1989
Kobeleva N.V., “Krupnomasshtabnoe ekologo-fitotsenoticheskoe kartografirovanie na osnove aerosnimkov i GIS-tekhnologii (na primere tsentralnoi chasti Tazovskogo poluostrova)”, Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 14:1(6) (2012), 1607–1617