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Ivanova Natalia
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences


Main publications:
  1. Lee K.S., Ivanova N.A., Starov V.M., Hilal N., Dutschk V., “Kinetics of wetting and spreading by aqueous surfactant solutions”, Adv Colloid and Interface Sci., 144 (2008), 54–65  crossref
  2. Ivanova N., Starov V.M., Johnson D., Hilal N., Rubio R., “Spreading of Aqueous Solutions of Trisiloxanes and Conventional Surfactants over PTFE AF Coated Silicon Wafers”, Langmuir, 25:6 (2009), 3564–3570  crossref
  3. Starov V.M., Ivanova N.A., Rubio R.G., “Why do aqueous surfactant solutions spread over hydrophobic substrates?”, Adv Colloid and Interface Sci., 161:1-2 (2010), 153–162  crossref
  4. N.A. Ivanova, V.M. Starov., “Wetting of low free energy surfaces by aqueous surfactant solutions”, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Sci., 16:4 (2011), 285–291  crossref
  5. N.A. Ivanova, Zh.B. Zhantenova, V.M. Starov., “Wetting dynamics of polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers and trisiloxanes in respect of polyoxyethylene chains and properties of substrates”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 413 (2012), 307–313  crossref

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