Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Algorithm for the discrete Weber's problem with an accuracy estimate
Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2016, no. 7, 103–112
An exact algorithm for solving the discrete Weber problem for a $k$-tree
Diskretn. Anal. Issled. Oper., 21:3 (2014), 64–75
Heuristics for design of reliable telecommunication network
Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2014, no. 7, 164–165
Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Discrete Weber Problem for a Simple Cycle
Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform., 14:2 (2014), 98–107
A deterministic algorithm for solving the Weber problem for an $n$-sequentially connected chain
Diskretn. Anal. Issled. Oper., 20:5 (2013), 84–96
Exact algorithm for solving discrete Weber problem for a cycle
Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2013, no. 4(22), 96–102
Exact algorithm for solving special case of discrete Weber problem
Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2013, no. 6, 136–137
Constructive descriptions of $n$-sequentially connected graphs
Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 15:4 (2013), 48–57
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