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Soskin Marat Samuilovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Topological dynamics of optical singularities in speckle-fields induced by photorefractive scattering in a LiNbO3 : Fe crystal

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 43:2 (2013),  125–129
  2. Cluster self-organization of nanotubes in a nematic phase: The percolation behavior and appearance of optical singularities

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 91:5 (2010),  259–262
  3. Polarization singularities in partially coherent combined beams

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 88:7 (2008),  490–494
  4. Topological scenarios of the creation and annihilation of polarization singularities in nonstationary optical fields

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 87:2 (2008),  90–93
  5. Optical diabols in singular laser beams

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:3 (2008),  239–244
  6. Spatial dependence of the frequency spectrum of a rotating optical beam

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 81:11 (2005),  699–702
  7. Topological response of inhomogeneous, elliptically polarized, light fields to controlled anisotropic perturbations

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 81:8 (2005),  464–467
  8. Measurement of the morphological forms of polarization singularities and their statistical weights in optical vector fields

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 80:1 (2004),  21–24
  9. Observation of the rotational doppler effect for optical beams with helical wave front using spiral zone plate

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 76:8 (2002),  566–570
  10. Transformation of the orbital angular momentum of a beam with optical vortex in an astigmatic optical system

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 75:3 (2002),  155–178
  11. Mode separator for a beam with an off-axis optical vortex

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 31:5 (2001),  464–466
  12. Threshold conditions for generation in a photorefractive crystal with counterpropagating mutually incoherent pump beams

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 20:3 (1993),  261–263
  13. Enhancement of the contrast of low-noise optical signals in the course of nonlinear absorption in media based on bacteriorhodopsin

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:4 (1990),  448–449
  14. Absorption optical bistability in an interferometer with light-induced relaxation of the nonlinearity

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:3 (1990),  380–381
  15. Photorefractive-crystal loop oscillator with linear aberrations of the resonator

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:3 (1990),  373–378
  16. Kinetics of stimulated emission from a copper vapor laser with a photorefractive-crystal nonlinear mirror

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 16:9 (1989),  1843–1846
  17. Loop oscillator with a holographic amplifier

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 16:7 (1989),  1412–1415
  18. Mirror-free four-wave parametric oscillation in CdTe crystals

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:8 (1988),  1564–1569
  19. Frequency-degenerate optical oscillation due to the forward four-wave parametric interaction

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 295:3 (1987),  596–600
  20. Holographic record by continuous emission in the suspension of purple halobacteria membranes

    Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 13:15 (1987),  918–922
  21. Spatial polarization wavefront reversal under conditions of four-wave mixing in biochrome films

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:4 (1987),  714–721
  22. Holographic selector telescope for grazing diffraction

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:3 (1987),  597–602

    Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 56:4 (1986),  788–790
  24. Spatial hysteresis and switching waves in a nonlinear planar waveguide

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:11 (1986),  2325–2328
  25. Threshold conditions for oscillation with the aid of shifted and unshifted dynamic gratings

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:4 (1986),  874–877
  26. Phase-polarization characteristics of radiation reflected from a planar waveguide

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:2 (1986),  245–247
  27. Stochasticity and regular fluctuations in a Q-switched laser

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 12:3 (1985),  614–616
  28. Energy characteristics of a laser with a wavef ront-reversing mirror utilizing a degenerate four-wave interaction in a medium with a local response

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:10 (1984),  2059–2068
  29. Laser with dynamic gratings of free carriers in a semiconductor

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:5 (1984),  869–870
  30. Selective properties of small-aperture resonators exhibiting angular dispersion

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:11 (1983),  2304–2310
  31. Polarization record of the dynamic holographic gratings in the MBBA liquid crystal mesophase

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 263:3 (1982),  598–601
  32. Generation of a train of ultrashort pulses with controlled parameters

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:12 (1982),  2391–2398
  33. Efficient tunable LiF:$F_2^-$ crystal lasers

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:8 (1982),  1741–1743
  34. Bistable operation and spectral tuning of an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:4 (1981),  853–859
  35. Tunable laser utilizing LiF : $F_2^+$ color centers in LiF and a holographic selector

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:2 (1981),  419–421
  36. Correlation analysis of images at the degenerate four-wave interaction on opposite beams

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 252:2 (1980),  336–339
  37. Optical heterodyning of radiation from an injection laser with an external dispersive resonator

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:12 (1980),  2642–2644
  38. Interaction of four counterpropagating plane waves in a medium with an instantaneous cubic nonlinearity

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:1 (1980),  42–49
  39. Deformation of the 1.06 μ Nd3+ band profile of glasses under free-oscillation conditions

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:10 (1979),  2240–2243
  40. Dynamic self-diffraction of coherent light beams

    UFN, 129:1 (1979),  113–137
  41. Influence of uncorrelated inhomogeneous broadening of the 1.06 μ band of the Nd3+ ions on laser properties of neodymium glasses

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 5:6 (1978),  1375–1379
  42. Holographic total-internal-reflection selector for tunable lasers

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 4:3 (1977),  536–543
  43. Transformation of intensities and phases of light beams by a transient "undisplaced" holographic grating

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 4:2 (1977),  420–425
  44. Superluminescence emitted by YAG:Nd3+ crystals and stimulated emission due to weak transitions

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2:6 (1975),  1340–1343
  45. Frequency tuning and high-efficiency extraction of second-harmonic radiation from a prism dispersion resonator of a neodymium laser

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1971, no. 5,  131–133
  46. 6Ж Rhodamine laser with increased spectral intensity and retunable frequency

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 193:1 (1970),  69–71
  47. A holographic method for the transformation of coherent light fields

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 187:3 (1969),  538–540
  48. Autorupture of generation in a ruby laser

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 173:1 (1967),  64–66
  49. Ruby $R_2$-liпе generation in a dispersion resonator

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 163:6 (1965),  1342–1343

  50. Antonina Fedorovna Prikhot'ko (On her eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 149:4 (1986),  733–734
  51. О проблеме расходимости лазерного излучения

    UFN, 133:3 (1981),  555–556

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