Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Cubical and Simplicial Sets in the Category of Quivers
Mat. Zametki, 114:1 (2023), 149–153
Homology of transitive digraphs and discrete spaces
Mat. Sb., 214:8 (2023), 74–93
Arf invariants of codimension one in a Wall group of the dihedral group
Mat. Sb., 214:5 (2023), 3–17
Alexandroff Homology and Path Homology
Mat. Zametki, 112:1 (2022), 148–152
Homology of Digraphs
Mat. Zametki, 109:5 (2021), 705–722
Path complexes and their homologies
Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 21:5 (2016), 79–128
On Iterated Browder–Livesay Invariants
Mat. Zametki, 86:2 (2009), 213–236
Splitting a simple homotopy equivalence along a submanifold with filtration
Mat. Sb., 199:6 (2008), 3–26
The $\pi$-$\pi$-Theorem for Manifold Pairs
Mat. Zametki, 81:3 (2007), 405–416
Transfer maps for triples of manifolds
Mat. Zametki, 79:3 (2006), 420–433
Properties of exponential series with
sequence of exponents satisfying a Levinson-type condition
Mat. Sb., 197:6 (2006), 3–24
Structure sets of triples of manifolds
Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 11:4 (2005), 153–172
Surgery on triples of manifolds
Mat. Sb., 194:8 (2003), 139–160
Geometric properties of a spectral sequence in surgery theory
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 57:6(348) (2002), 191–192
The Groups $LS$ and Morphisms of Quadratic Extensions
Mat. Zametki, 70:3 (2001), 419–424
Splitting Obstruction Groups in Codimension 2
Mat. Zametki, 69:1 (2001), 52–73
Spherical fibrations and $L$-groups
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54:2(326) (1999), 179–180
Projective splitting obstruction groups for one-sided submanifolds
Mat. Sb., 190:10 (1999), 65–86
Surgery of closed manifolds with dihedral fundamental group
Mat. Zametki, 64:2 (1998), 238–250
Groups of obstructions to surgery and splitting for a manifold pair
Mat. Sb., 188:3 (1997), 127–142
Obstructions to splitting manifolds with infinite fundamental group
Mat. Zametki, 60:2 (1996), 163–175
Obstructions to reconstructions from a pair of manifolds
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 51:4(310) (1996), 165–166
The splitting problem
Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 212 (1996), 123–146
Splitting obstruction groups and quadratic extensions of anti-structures
Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 59:6 (1995), 107–132
$K$-groups of quadratic extensions of rings
Mat. Zametki, 58:2 (1995), 272–280
Obstruction groups to splitting along one-sided submanifolds
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 50:1(301) (1995), 205–206
Relative Wall groups and decorations
Mat. Sb., 185:12 (1994), 79–100
Tate cohomologies and Browder–Livesay groups of dihedral groups
Mat. Zametki, 54:2 (1993), 44–55
Induced automorphisms of $L_3(\pi)$
Mat. Zametki, 51:2 (1992), 66–71
The Browder–Livesay groups of the dihedral group
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 47:2(284) (1992), 203–204
Natural mappings of relative Wall groups
Mat. Sb., 183:2 (1992), 38–51
Browder–Livesay groups for Abelian 2-groups
Mat. Sb., 181:8 (1990), 1061–1098
Maps of Wall groups induced by embeddings
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 41:3(249) (1986), 195–196
Obstructions to surgery of double coverings
Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 131(173):3(11) (1986), 347–356
The effect of pulsational Magnus forces and of acceleration forces on the motion of particles in a turbulent flow of gas
TVT, 13:5 (1975), 1015–1022
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