01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date:
E-mail: Keywords: integral and integral-differencial equations; functional analysis (factorization of operators etc.); mathematical physics (radiative transfer, kinetic theory of gases etc.); stochastic processes; multidimensional complex analysis; astrophysics.
The theory of nonlinear factorization equations (NFE) of integral and other linear operators was founded, including various applications. Generalized Volterian factorization problem for non-invertible integral operators was formulated and solved. A complete theory of Wiener–Hopf scalar and vector integral equations for conservative and supercritical (singular) cases was developed, using NFE. A theory of generalized Ambartsumian equation and Riccati-type operator equation was developed. A principal new approach to the solution of convolution-type integral equations on a finite interval was developed, including applications in radiative transfer (RT) theory. A structural theory for renewal equations (on the half-line and on the whole line) and Markov renewal equations was developed, including new-type limit and asymptotic theorems. For the first time the theory and solution methods for RT problems in spectral lines in general laws of non-coherent scattering, as well as - the mathematical theory of anisotrope scattering with summable indicatrix (including solution of Miln problem) was developed. The method of self-consisting optical depths (coming from Edington and V. Ambartsumian ideas) for exact solution of non-linear RT problems, was developed. Some factorization and other, methods to efficient numerical-analytical solution of RT problems and problems of kinetic theory of gases, was developed. The domains of normal convergence of multidimensional Loran series was constructed.
Main publications:
Engibaryan N. B., “Uravneniya v svertkakh, soderzhaschie singulyarnye veroyatnostnye raspredeleniya”, Izv. RAN, ser. matem., 60:2 (1996), 21–48