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Shargatov Vladimir Anatol'evich
Shargatov Vladimir Anatol'evich
Senior Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2021)

Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems)
Keywords: porous media, phase transitions, shock waves, stability.
UDC: 519.634


Mathematical modeling of reacting flows. Stability of shock waves. Stability of flows with phase transitions in a porous medium.

Main publications:
  1. V. A. Shargatov, “Dynamics and stability of air bubbles in a porous medium”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys.,, 58 (2018), 1172-1187
  2. A. T. Il'ichev, V. A. Shargatov, Y. B. Fu, “Characterization and dynamical stability of fully nonlinear strain solitary waves in a fluid-filled hyperelastic membrane tube”, Acta Mech, 231 (2020), 4095–4110
  3. A. G. Kulikovskii, A. T. Il'ichev, A. P. Chugainova, V. A. Shargatov, “On the Structure Stability of a Neutrally Stable Shock Wave in a Gas and on Spontaneous Emission of Perturbations”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys, 131:3 (2020), 481–495
  4. A.P. Chugainova, V.A. Shargatov, “Analytical description of the structure of special discontinuities described by a generalized KdV–Burgers equation”, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 66 (2019), 129-146
  5. G.G. Tsypkin, V.A. Shargatov, “Influence of capillary pressure gradient on connectivity of flow through a porous medium”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127 (2018), 1053-1063

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