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Makhnev Aleksandr Alekseevich
Makhnev Aleksandr Alekseevich
Corresponding member of RAS
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1986)

Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date: 7.05.1953
Keywords: finite group, partial geometry, generalized n-gon, symmetric graph, automorphism group.


It is obtained the description of normal closure of non-subnormal tightly embedded 2-subgroup A, if A is noncyclic and non-elementary group. It is determined possible parameters of strongly regular graphs, in which neighborhoods are pseudo-geometric for qeneralized quadrangles with quasi-classical parameters. It is proved that a connected graph, in which neighborhoods of vertices are strongly regular with $k=2\mu$, is either strongly regular or a Taylor graph.

Main publications:
  1. Makhnev A. A., “Chastichnye geometrii i ikh rasshireniya”, Uspekhi mat. nauk, 54:5 (1999), 25–76  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  2. Makhnev A. A., “Psevdogeometricheskie grafy chastichnykh geometrii $pG_2(4,t)$”, Diskret. matem., 12:1 (2000), 113–134  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  3. Makhnev A. A., “O grafakh, okrestnosti vershin kotorykh silno regulyarny s $k=2\mu$”, Matem. sbornik, 191:7 (2000), 89–104  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  4. Kabanov V. V., Makhnev A. A., Paduchikh D. V., “O grafakh bez koron s regulyarnymi $\mu$-podgrafami”, Matem. zametki, 74 (2003), 396–406  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  5. Makhnev A. A., “O silnoi regulyarnosti nekotorykh reberno regulyarnykh grafov”, Izvestiya RAN, ser. matem., 68 (2004), 159–182  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

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