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Protasov Vladimir Yur'evich
Protasov Vladimir Yur'evich
Corresponding member of RAS
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)

Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Phone: +7 (495) 939 56 32
E-mail: ,
Keywords: functional equations, wavelets, smoothness of functions, approximation, linear operator, spectral radius, joint spectral characteristics, Lyapunov exponents, fractals, self-similarity, stability of dynamical systems, linear switching systems, algorithm, rate of convergence, complexity, optimality conditions, matrix, eigenvector, nonnegative matrix, norm, convex body, convex polyhedron, geodesics, Poncelet type theorems, invariant measure, conics.
UDC: 511, 512.643, 514.113.5, 514.114, 514.172, 514.172.4, 514.174.5, 514.177.2, 517.272, 517.444, 517.518.3, 517.518.36, 517.518.543, 517.538.52, 517.58, 517.965, 517.972.9, 517.98, 517.982.25, 519.157, 519.175.1, 519.2
MSC: 51M16, 51M04, 51M20, 52B05, 53C22, 57M50


Functional analysis, real analysis, wavelets theory, fractals, Fourier analysis, approximation theory, linear operators, spectral radius, matrix theory, linear algebra, Perron-Frobenius theory, combinatorics, algorithms, numerical analysis, optimization, optimal control, stability of dynamical systems, convex and classical geometry.

Main publications:
  1. V.Yu. Protasov, “The generalized spectral radius. The geometric approach”, Izvestiya Mathematics, 61:5 (1997), 995–1030
  2. I.Ya. Novikov, V.Yu. Protasov, M.A. Skopina, Wavetels theory, Translations Mathematical Monographs, 239, AMS, 2011
  3. V.Yu. Protasov, A.S. Voynov, “Sets of nonnegative matrices without positive products”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 437:3 (2012), 749–765
  4. N. Guglielmi, V.Yu. Protasov, “Exact computation of joint spectral characteristics of linear operators”, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 13:1 (2013), 37–97
  5. V.Yu. Protasov, “The Euler binary partition function and subdivision schemes”, Mathematics of Computation, 2016

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