01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date:
E-mail: Keywords: algebra,
group theory and generalizations,
coding theory,
finite algebras,
signal theory,
mathematical education.
The problem of the non-simplicity of a finite group that is a product of two its permutable subgroups with non-trivial centers was solved. It was described the structure of the composition factors of a finite group which is a product of two its soluble subgroups. A number of papers devoted to the structure of a finite group which is a product of its permutable subgroups with given properties. In particular it was proved that the group $G$ which has a conjugacy class with prime power cardinality has a non-trivial soluble normal subgroup. The structure of the adjoint group of a finite nilpotent algebra was investigated together with B. Amberg. Arithmetical conditions on the degrees of irreducible representations of finite groups where investigated in some papers with Ya. G. Berkovich and I. M. Isaacs.
Kazarin L.S., “Soluble products of groups”, Infinite groups 1994, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. (Ravello, Italy, May 23–27, 1994), de Gruyter, Berlin, 1996, 111–123
Kazarin L.S., “On groups which are the products of two solwable subgroups”, Comm. Algebra, 14:6 (1986), 1001–1066