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Mendeleyev Vladimir Yakovlevich
Candidate of technical sciences (1988)

Speciality: 01.04.05 (Optics)
Keywords: radiation heat transfer, melting and surface toughness

Main publications:
  1. Mendeleyev V. Ya., Skovorodko S. N., Lubnin E. N., and Prosvirikov V. M., “Optical constants of silicon in near infrared region”, Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008), 131916
  2. Mendeleyev V.Ya., “Scattering from unidirectional ground steel surfaces in the specular direction”, Optics Communications, 268 (2006), 7–14
  3. Mendeleyev V. Ya., Skovorodko S. N., “Experimental study of influence of smooth surface reflectance and diffuse reflectance on estimation of root mean square roughness”, Optics Express, 19:7 (2011), 6822–6828
  4. Mendeleyev V.Ya, Kourilovitch A.V., “Optical sensor for reducing influence of intensity fluctuations on output stability”, Optical Engineering, 53:2 (2014), 027106

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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