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Kislitsin Alexey Vladimirovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2014)

Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Identities, basis of identities, multiplicative vector spaces, inherently nonfinitely based vector space, inherently nonfinitely based linear algebra


The identities of vector spaces embedded in linear algebra and questions the finite basis of identities in linear algebra

Main publications:
  1. A.V. Kislitsin, “O tozhdestvakh prostranstv lineinykh preobrazovanii nad beskonechnym polem”, Izvestiya Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 65:1/2 (2010), 37–41
  2. I.M. Isaev, A.V. Kislitsin, “Primer prostoi konechnomernoi algebry, ne imeyuschei konechnogo bazisa tozhdestv”, Doklady Akademii nauk, 447:3 (2012), 252–253
  3. I.M. Isaev, A.V. Kislitsin, “Tozhdestva vektornykh prostranstv i primery konechnomernykh lineinykh algebr, ne imeyuschikh konechnogo bazisa tozhdestv”, Algebra i logika, 52:4 (2013), 435–460
  4. I.M. Isaev, A.v. Kislitsin, “Example of simple finite dimensional algebra with no finite basis of its identities”, Communications in Algebra, 41:12 (2013), 4593–4601

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