Geometry of Banach spaces, set-values analysis, optimization.
Main publications:
M. V. Balashov, E. S. Polovinkin. M-silno vypuklye mnozhestva i ikh porozhdayuschie podmnozhestva // Matem. sb. 2000. T. 191. # 1. S. 27–64.
E. S. Polovinikn, M. V. Balashov. Elementy vypuklogo i silno vypuklogo analiza. M., Fizmatlit. 2007. 2-e izd., ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. 440 s.
Balashov, Maxim V.; Repovs, Dusan, Uniformly convex subsets of the Hilbert space with modulus of convexity of the second order, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Volume: 377 Issue: 2, 2011, Pages: 754-761.
Balashov, MV, On the P-property of compact convex sets, Mathematical Notes,
Volume: 71 Issue: 3-4, 2002, Pages: 295-304.
Balashov, Maxim V.,
About the Gradient Projection Algorithm for a Strongly Convex Function and a Proximally Smooth Set,
Journal of Convex Analysis,
Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 2017, Pages: 493-500.