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Smolyanov Oleg Georgievich

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Lecture 14. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    December 14, 2021 16:25   
  2. Functional integrals and quantum anomalies
    O. G. Smolyanov
    International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
    December 7, 2021 14:00   
  3. Lecture 13. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    November 30, 2021 16:25   
  4. Lecture 12. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    November 23, 2021 16:25   
  5. Lecture 11. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    November 16, 2021 16:25   
  6. Lecture 10. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    November 9, 2021 16:25   
  7. Lecture 9. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    November 2, 2021 16:25   
  8. Lecture 8. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    October 26, 2021 16:25   
  9. Lecture 7. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    October 19, 2021 16:25   
  10. Lecture 6. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    October 12, 2021 16:25   
  11. Lecture 5. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    October 5, 2021 16:25   
  12. Quantum field theory and anomalies
    O. G. Smolyanov
    International Conference "Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics" Dedicated to 75-th Anniversary of I. V. Volovich
    September 29, 2021 15:55   
  13. Lecture 4. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    September 28, 2021 16:25   
  14. Lecture 3. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    September 21, 2021 16:25   
  15. Lecture 2. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    September 14, 2021 16:25   
  16. Lecture 1. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics II
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    September 7, 2021 16:25   
  17. Function integrals and quantum anomalies
    O. G. Smolyanov
    Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021
    June 30, 2021 13:20   
  18. Lecture 14. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    May 25, 2021 16:35
  19. Lecture 13. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    May 18, 2021 16:35
  20. Lecture 12. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    May 11, 2021 16:35
  21. Lecture 11. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    April 27, 2021 16:35
  22. Lecture 10. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    April 20, 2021 16:35
  23. Lecture 9. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    April 13, 2021 16:35
  24. Lecture 8. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    April 6, 2021 16:35
  25. Feynman path integrals, differentiable measures and quantum anomalies
    O. G. Smolyanov
    One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2021
    April 5, 2021 18:00   
  26. Lecture 7. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    March 30, 2021 16:35
  27. Lecture 6. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    March 23, 2021 16:35
  28. Lecture 5. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    March 16, 2021 16:35
  29. Lecture 4. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    March 9, 2021 16:35
  30. Lecture 3. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    March 2, 2021 16:35
  31. Lecture 2. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    February 16, 2021 16:35
  32. Lecture 1. Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    O. G. Smolyanov, V. Zh. Sakbaev
    Functional integrals and applications in quantum theory and statistical mechanics
    February 9, 2021 16:35
  33. Quantum anomalies and differential properties of generalized Lebesgue-Feynman measures
    Oleg Smolyanov
    International Conference on Mathematical Physics in Memory of Academic V. S. Vladimirov
    November 23, 2020 18:30   
  34. Derivatives of generalized measures and quantum anomalies
    O. G. Smolyanov
    Internaional conference «Modern Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-95»
    November 14, 2018 15:00   
  35. Quantum anomalies and transformations of Feynman path integrals
    Oleg Smolyanov
    New Trends in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
    October 4, 2016 16:00   
  36. Differential operators and Feynman formulas
    O. G. Smolyanov
    Differential geometry and applications
    November 10, 2014 16:45
  37. Hamilton, Feynman and Wigner structures in the theory of open quantum systems
    O. G. Smolyanov
    International conference "QP 34 – Quantum Probability and Related Topics"
    September 20, 2013 14:30   
  38. Representations of regularized traces and determinants in the functional integrals
    O. G. Smolyanov, E. T. Shavgulidze
    International Conference "Irreversibility Problem in Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems"
    December 9, 2011 12:15
  39. Measures on infinite-dimensional spaces and the Bogolyubov equations
    O. G. Smolyanov
    International Conference "Irreversibility Problem in Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems"
    December 9, 2011 12:00
  40. Feynman formulae and path integrals
    O. G. Smolyanov
    Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
    February 15, 2007 16:00   

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