Mathematical physics, $p$-adic analysis, including mathematical problems in quantum field theory, string theory, gravity, quantum information, quantum optics.
Main publications:
[1] V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, E. I. Zelenov, p-adic analysis and mathematical physics, World Scientific, River Edge, NJ, 1994, 319 pp.
[2] M. Ohya, I. Volovich, Mathematical foundations of quantum information and computation and its applications to nano- and bio-systems, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011, 759 pp.
[3] L. Accardi, Lu Yun Gang, I. Volovich, Quantum theory and its stochastic limit, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, 473 pp.
[4] I. V. Volovich, A. S. Trushechkin, “Asymptotic properties of quantum dynamics in bounded domains at various time scales”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 76:1 (2012), 43–84.
[5] I. V. Volovich, “p-adic string”, Classical Quantum Gravity, 4:4 (1987), L83–L87.