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Kulikovskii Andrey Gennadievich
Kulikovskii Andrey Gennadievich
Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1970)

Speciality: 01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
Birth date: 18.03.1933
Keywords: one-dimensional motions of continuous media, stability of motions of continuous media, magnetohydrodynamics, elasticity theory.


The main scientific interests are concerned with investigation of one-dimensional motions of continuous media, of stability of motions of continuous media, with various problems of magnetohydrodynamics, elasticity theory. In particular, these are: development of analytical methods and numerical simulation of nonlinear fenomena in various problems of mechanics of continuous media, concerned with stability of flows, propagation of wave fronts and shock waves of various structures in inhomogeneous and anisotropic media with dissipative and dispersive properties, interactions of nonlinear waves and shock waves as well as with influence of their structures on the properties of global solutions, including possible nonuniqueness of solutions. The main results are: theoretical investigation of the fronts of ionization and recombination in a gas with a magnetic field. It was found that these fronts possess fairly peculiar properties. For extended systems the instability conditions have been analyzed and there was introduced the concept of global instability as the instability which arises as a closed chain of waves growing with time and mutually transformung one to another. It was investigated also a behaviour of weakly nonlinear waves in a weakly anisotropic elastic medium. A nonuniqueness of solutions was found for typical selfsimilar problems. The similar problems have been studied numerically for viscous media. It was shown that for the case of nonuniqueness of solutions the asymptotic of the solution can be different and depending on the details which are vanishing when the viscousity is absent. The similar problem arose also for the case when dispersion also plays an essential role in the formation of structure of the shock wave, and this problem now is also under investigation.

Main publications:
  1. A. G. Kulikovskii, G. A. Lyubimov, Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, Fizmatgiz, M., 1962, 246 с.
  2. A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova, Nelineinye volny v uprugikh sredakh, Izd-vo <<Moskovskii Litsei>>, M., 1998, 412 с.
  3. A. G. Kulikovskii, “Silnye razryvy v techeniyakh sploshnykh sred i ikh struktura”, Tr. MIAN, 182, 1988, 261–291  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  4. A. G. Kulikovskii, A. P. Chugainova, “Klassicheskie i neklassicheskie razryvy v resheniyakh uravnenii nelineinoi teorii uprugosti”, UMN, 63:2(380) (2008), 85–152  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  5. A. G. Kulikovskii, “O mnogoparametricheskikh frontakh silnykh razryvov v mekhanike sploshnykh sred”, Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 75:4 (2011), 531–550

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