01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date:
Keywords: mathematical logic,
algorithm theory,
computability and recursion theory.
UDC: 510, 519.9, 510.5 MSC: 03-XX, 03Fxx, 08-XX, 03Dxx
It was proved unsolvebility of a lot elementary theories which can be interpreted very easily in the other theories. Some problems in theory of numberings were solved. Some useful characteristics for computable numberings. It were found some new properties of creative sets. The author ( jointly with L. Maksimova).
Main publications:
I. A. Lavrov, L. L. Maksimov, Zadachi po teorii mnozhestv, matematicheskoi logike i teorii algoritmov, Fizmatlit, M., 2001