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Stavrovskiĭ Dmitrii Borisovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. New possibilities for analyzing the biological role of hydrogen, methane and other biomarkers of gut microbiota activity using tunable diode laser absorption spectrometry and selective hydrogen and oxygen sensors

    Optics and Spectroscopy, 132:3 (2024),  303–309
  2. Limits of the correction ring applicability in an apodizer with a circular serrated aperture

    Computer Optics, 46:3 (2022),  395–405
  3. Comparative analysis of wide-band excimer lasers with optical and electron pumping

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 12:1 (1985),  180–183
  4. Efficiency of an optically pumped XeF laser

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:9 (1984),  1750–1756
  5. Photodissociation XeF laser operating with an efficiency of about 1 %

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:6 (1984),  1080–1081
  6. Investigation of luminescence in the 420 nm range as a result of photolysis of KrF2 in mixtures with Ar, Kr, and N2

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:10 (1981),  2183–2190
  7. Determination of the spectral dependences of the absolute quantum yields of XeF(B, C, D) excimers in photolysis of XeF2

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:9 (1981),  1945–1952
  8. Lasing as a result of a B–X transition in the excimer XeF formed as a result of photodissociation of KrF2 in mixtures with Xe

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:2 (1981),  373–375
  9. Stimulated emission from the triatomic excimer $Kr_2F$ subjected to optical pumping

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:12 (1980),  2660–2661
  10. Mechanism of emission of blue luminescence from $ArKrF^*$ and $KrN_2F^*$ excimers

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:7 (1980),  1562–1563
  11. Investigation of light scattering and optical strength of coatings in the ultraviolet range

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:3 (1980),  638–640
  12. Laser action due to the bound-free C(3/2) – A(3/2) transition in the XeF molecule formed by photodissociation of XeF2

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:5 (1979),  1074
  13. Stimulated emission due to the B(1/2)–X2Σ+ transition in the XeF molecule formed by photodissociation of XeF2

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 4:11 (1977),  2453
  14. Investigation of the optical strength of dielectric mirrors in a xenon-laser resonator

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 3:8 (1976),  1817–1819
  15. Laser emission from the XeO molecule under optical pumping conditions

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 3:4 (1976),  930–932
  16. Experimental investigation of the possibility of using a highcurrent discharge for the optical pumping of an Xe2 laser

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 3:1 (1976),  224–225

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