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Chinnov Valerii Fedorovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Состав плазмы и диффузия в пристеночной области капиллярного разряда

    TVT, 62:2 (2024),  163–172
  2. Диффузия столкновительной плазмы на примере сильноточной дуги в $\rm He$. Бинарная и тринарная ионизованные смеси

    TVT, 61:5 (2023),  645–654
  3. Diffusion and density of atoms in strongly ionized inhomogeneous $\rm He$ plasma

    TVT, 60:6 (2022),  803–812
  4. Velocity and temperature of plasma jets and their change due to artificial optical inhomogeneities introduced into plasma

    TVT, 59:1 (2021),  41–50
  5. Kinetics of the processes in a nitrogen plasma flow with carbon admixture

    TVT, 58:5 (2020),  739–748
  6. Spectroscopic study of a helium plasma jet with hydrocarbon additives

    TVT, 58:3 (2020),  327–335
  7. Highly ionized helium arc plasma. Determination of the temperature in nonequilibrium conditions and the effect of plasma microfields

    TVT, 57:3 (2019),  338–346
  8. Highly ionized arc $\rm He$ plasma: Nonequilibrium, nonideality, and kinetics

    TVT, 57:2 (2019),  164–173
  9. Specific features of the distribution of atomic-level occupancies in highly ionized helium arc plasma

    TVT, 56:4 (2018),  631–634
  10. Comprehensive study on the effect of plasma stream on heat-resistant materials

    TVT, 56:1 (2018),  25–32
  11. Optical investigations of multicomponent plasma of capillary discharge. supersonic outflow regime

    TVT, 55:5 (2017),  669–684
  12. The kinetic model of al oxidation in heterogeneous aluminum-water plasma. Negative ions

    TVT, 55:2 (2017),  189–196
  13. Lifetime of the thermoemission cathodes of nitrogen plasma generators

    TVT, 54:6 (2016),  843–850
  14. Optical investigations of the multicomponent plasma of the capillary discharge: Subsonic outflow regime

    TVT, 54:4 (2016),  513–528
  15. Kinetic model of $\mathrm{Al}$ oxidation by water vapor in heterogeneous plasma: Heterophase kinetics

    TVT, 53:1 (2015),  23–28
  16. Kinetic model of aluminum oxidation by water vapor in heterogeneous plasma: Gas-phase kinetics

    TVT, 52:5 (2014),  657–663
  17. Spectral and kinetic analysis of heterogeneous gas discharge plasma in the flow of an $\mathrm{Al}$, $\mathrm{H_2O}$, and $\mathrm{Ar}$ mixture

    TVT, 52:1 (2014),  3–13
  18. Experimental study of the near-electrode plasma-tungsten cathode system in high-current atmospheric-pressure nitrogen arcs

    TVT, 51:5 (2013),  652–662
  19. Nonequilibrium state of highly ionized helium plasma at atmospheric pressure

    TVT, 51:2 (2013),  163–169
  20. Efficiency of particle acceleration, heating, and melting in high-enthalpy plasma jets

    TVT, 50:2 (2012),  163–171
  21. Investigation of low-temperature plasma generator with divergent channel of the output electrode and some applications of this generator

    TVT, 48:1 (2010),  105–134
  22. High-speed visualization of unsteady-state thermophysical experiment as a means of making it more informative and accurate

    TVT, 48:1 (2010),  38–43
  23. Investigation of temperature fields on the surface of tungsten cathode of a high-current arc using a high-speed matrix

    TVT, 46:6 (2008),  820–824
  24. The Vibrational Temperature in High-Enthalpy Jets of Atmospheric-Pressure Nitrogen Plasma

    TVT, 43:4 (2005),  501–509
  25. The rotational temperature in high-enthalpy jets of atmospheric- pressure nitrogen plasma

    TVT, 42:3 (2004),  345–352
  26. The Importance of VUV-Radiation in the Anode Region of High-Current Plasma Generators with Diverging Anode Channel

    TVT, 40:4 (2002),  533–543
  27. Spectroscopic Analysis of Spatial Distribution of the Electron Temperature and Concentration in High-Enthalpy Flows of Argon and Nitrogen Plasma

    TVT, 40:1 (2002),  26–33
  28. Analysis of metrological potentialities of a high-current arc in plasma generators with a diverging channel

    TVT, 38:5 (2000),  693–700
  29. A system for and results of simultaneous spectral determination of the electron number density and temperature in a highly ionized plasma of inert gases

    TVT, 36:5 (1998),  804–811
  30. Hydrogen admixtures in nonequilibrium inert-gas plasmas

    TVT, 30:4 (1992),  654–664
  31. Near ultraviolet emission of nonequilibrium inert gas plasmas. II. Theory

    TVT, 29:6 (1991),  1066–1076
  32. Near ultraviolet emission from nonequilibrium inert-gas plasmas. $\text{I}$. Experiment

    TVT, 29:5 (1991),  847–855
  33. Evolution of the state of inert-gas beam plasmas – transient plasmas

    TVT, 27:4 (1989),  625–635
  34. Evolution of the states of an inert-gas beam-plasma – effect of heating of the gas

    TVT, 24:2 (1986),  218–222
  35. State evaluation in an inert-gas beam-plasma – cold quasi-stationary plasma

    TVT, 24:1 (1986),  9–20
  36. Study of a heavy-current diffusion discharge in argon

    TVT, 23:5 (1985),  853–857
  37. Временные характеристики излучения пучковой плазмы $\mathrm{Xe}$

    TVT, 23:1 (1985),  173–174
  38. Emission spectra of the $\mathrm{Xe}$ beam plasma

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 266:5 (1982),  1108–1112
  39. Relaxation of Dense Plasma of Heavy Inert Gases

    TVT, 18:2 (1980),  251–255
  40. Laser diagnostics of the non-equilibrium SHF discharge

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 230:5 (1976),  1092–1094
  41. Microwave-discharge in helium

    TVT, 14:1 (1976),  209–211
  42. Спектроскопические исследования СВЧ-разряда в водороде

    TVT, 13:2 (1975),  270–278
  43. Experimental investigation of the electrical conductivity of a $\mathrm{He}$$\mathrm{K}$ plasma

    TVT, 8:2 (1970),  441–442
  44. Экспериментальное исследование тормозного излучения электронов в поле атомов $\rm{Ar}$

    TVT, 7:5 (1969),  832–835
  45. Диагностика плазмы слаботочного дугового разряда при помощи светового зонда (II)

    TVT, 7:3 (1969),  401–407
  46. Диагностика плазмы слаботочного дугового разряда при помощи светового зонда

    TVT, 6:6 (1968),  981–988

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