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Pokrasin Mikhail Alexandrovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Influence of hardening on the speed of ultrasound in steels

    TVT, 57:3 (2019),  397–403
  2. Experimental study of acoustic properties and microhardness of $09\rm Mn2\rm Si$ steel

    TVT, 55:6 (2017),  778–781
  3. Experimental study of the Er308LSI steel acoustic properties

    TVT, 55:1 (2017),  143–145
  4. Investigation of acoustic properties of Russian grade 1Cr18Ni10Ti steel

    TVT, 54:3 (2016),  479–481
  5. Investigation of the acoustic properties of cobalt

    TVT, 52:6 (2014),  870–874
  6. Experimental investigation of acoustic properties of titanium alloys in the temperature range of $20$$1000^\circ$C

    TVT, 51:1 (2013),  56–60
  7. Experimental study of the ultrasound velocity and attenuation rate and the acoustic emission parameters in structural materials

    TVT, 50:4 (2012),  600–602
  8. Kinetics of Structure Transformations and Phase Transition in VT5 Titanium Alloy

    TVT, 49:3 (2011),  476–479
  9. An experimental investigation of the velocity of sound in molten lead and bismuth and in their reciprocal eutectic alloy at high temperatures

    TVT, 48:2 (2010),  198–205
  10. An investigation of the kinetics of structure transformations and phase transition in nickel using acoustic methods

    TVT, 46:3 (2008),  396–401
  11. The kinetics of structure transformations in martensitic structural steel

    TVT, 45:1 (2007),  38–42
  12. The density of a liquid-metal heat-transfer agent on the basis of lead-bismuth eutectic at high temperatures

    TVT, 44:2 (2006),  307–310
  13. An investigation of acoustic emission in Armco iron and structural steel in the process of recrystallization and phase transitions

    TVT, 44:2 (2006),  225–229
  14. An Experimental Investigation of the Density of Bismuth in the Condensed State in a Wide Temperature Range

    TVT, 43:3 (2005),  374–384
  15. The density of a liquid $\mathrm{Pb}$$\mathrm{Bi}$ alloy of eutectic composition at temperatures up to $700$ K

    TVT, 42:6 (2004),  982–985
  16. The use of acoustic methods to investigate the dynamics of recrystallization and phase transitions in Armco iron and structural steel

    TVT, 42:6 (2004),  873–877
  17. Density and pressure of saturated vapors of liquid sodium–potassium–cesium eutectic

    TVT, 41:4 (2003),  634–636
  18. The density of liquid sodium-potassium eutectic

    TVT, 41:3 (2003),  395–400
  19. Experimental investigation of the acoustic properties of a $\mathrm{Fe}+1$ wt. $\%\mathrm{Al}$ alloy

    TVT, 41:1 (2003),  143–145
  20. Liquid gallium: potential uses as a heat-transfer agent

    TVT, 38:6 (2000),  991–1005
  21. Study into the internal structure of metal in the process of melting

    TVT, 38:2 (2000),  340–343
  22. Experimental investigation of the temperature dependence of sound velocity in structural materials for nuclear power engineering

    TVT, 37:5 (1999),  835–838
  23. Heat capacity and electrical resistance of the zirconium alloy with $2.5$ wt $\%$ niobium in the phase transition region

    TVT, 34:6 (1996),  980–983
  24. The experimental investigation of the pressure of saturated vapor and the density of liquid phase of rubidium-cesium alloy

    TVT, 33:2 (1995),  321–325
  25. Äàâëåíèå íàñûùåííûõ ïàðîâ ñïëàâà êàëèé – öåçèé â èíòåðâàëå òåìïåðàòóð $750$$1300$ K

    TVT, 26:4 (1988),  819–822
  26. Ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíîå èññëåäîâàíèå êîýôôèöèåíòà òåìïåðàòóðîïðîâîäíîñòè êîíñòðóêöèîííûõ ñòàëåé â äèàïàçîíå òåìïåðàòóð $700$$1450$ K

    TVT, 26:2 (1988),  396–397
  27. Saturation vapor-pressure of potassium cesium alloys

    TVT, 24:2 (1986),  244–246
  28. Experimental investigation of the saturated vapor-pressures of sodium-potassium eutectic alloys

    TVT, 19:4 (1981),  754–757
  29. Èññëåäîâàíèå óïðóãîñòè ïàðîâ $\mathrm{Al}-\mathrm{Mg}$ ñïëàâîâ

    TVT, 16:6 (1978),  1311–1312
  30. Ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíîå èññëåäîâàíèå óïðóãîñòè ïàðîâ êàëèÿ ïðè òåìïåðàòóðàõ äî $1350$ K

    TVT, 16:5 (1978),  1101–1103

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