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Petrov Vadim Alexandrovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Influence of the melt thermal conductivity on temperature fields in aluminum oxide upon heating by concentrated laser radiation

    TVT, 55:2 (2017),  240–246
  2. Thermoradiation characteristics of refractory oxides upon heating by concentrated laser radiation

    TVT, 54:2 (2016),  197–209
  3. Influence of optical properties on the formation of temperature fields in aluminum oxide upon heating and melting by concentrated laser radiation

    TVT, 53:1 (2015),  29–38
  4. The Radiation of Alumina Melt in the Middle IR Spectral Region at Solidification in the Course of Free Cooling

    TVT, 49:3 (2011),  390–400
  5. The effect of flux density on the formation of temperature field in alumina under conditions of heating by concentrated laser radiation

    TVT, 47:4 (2009),  589–596
  6. The radiation of alumina melt in the visible and near IR spectra upon solidification in the process of cooling in ambient air

    TVT, 46:6 (2008),  851–863
  7. The optical properties of high-porosity lithium fluoride ceramics

    TVT, 46:2 (2008),  246–250
  8. The effect of vacuum on the reflectivity of alumina ceramics under conditions of melting by concentrated laser radiation and subsequent free cooling

    TVT, 45:6 (2007),  856–861
  9. The optical properties of high-porosity calcium fluoride ceramics

    TVT, 45:5 (2007),  707–712
  10. Fast heating and melting of alumina under the effect of concentrated laser radiation

    TVT, 45:4 (2007),  533–542
  11. The reflectivity of alumina ceramics under intense surface heating and subsequent free cooling

    TVT, 45:1 (2007),  19–27
  12. The optical properties of high-porosity quartz ceramics

    TVT, 44:5 (2006),  764–769
  13. The optical properties of heat-insulating ceramics made of microballoons of aluminum oxide

    TVT, 42:1 (2004),  137–142
  14. Inclusion of radiative heat transfer in the ceramic filling of a combination element of a fire wall

    TVT, 41:6 (2003),  948–953
  15. Rapid crystallization of refractory oxides and the possibility of formation of a two-phase zone

    TVT, 41:6 (2003),  926–934
  16. Spectral Reflectivity of Ceramics of Cubic Zirconium Oxide on the Wavelength of $0.63$ $\mu$m under Intense Surface Heating above the Melting Point and Subsequent Cooling

    TVT, 40:6 (2002),  898–903
  17. Rapid Solidification of $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$$8$ mol $\%$ $\mathrm{Y}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ Melt under Conditions of Stepwise Reduction of Heating. Determination of the Liquidus and Solidus Temperatures

    TVT, 40:1 (2002),  61–67
  18. Rapid solidification of $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$$8$ mol $\%$ $\mathrm{Y}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ melt

    TVT, 39:6 (2001),  910–920
  19. Thermal radiative properties of ceramic of cubic $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$ stabilized with $\mathrm{Y}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ at high temperatures

    TVT, 39:2 (2001),  263–273
  20. Optical quartz glass as a reference substance for the thermal conductivity coefficient of partially transparent materials

    TVT, 38:2 (2000),  313–320
  21. Rapid solidification of $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$$18$ mol.$\%$ $\mathrm{CaO}$ melt

    TVT, 37:4 (1999),  565–572
  22. Thermal-radiation properties of zirconia when heated by laser radiation up to the temperature of high-rate vaporization

    TVT, 37:1 (1999),  62–70
  23. The determination of temperature during measurement of the emissivity of materials by the drop-furnace technique, based on the correlations between the components of thermal radiation

    TVT, 36:4 (1998),  639–646
  24. The high-speed spectroscopy method for the investigation of the emessivity of semitransparent materials in a wide range of its variation

    TVT, 35:5 (1997),  802–806
  25. The development of a high-speed sectroscopy method for investigating the emissivity of electrically nonconducting materials at high temperatures

    TVT, 33:4 (1995),  628–634
  26. Combined radiative-conductive heat transfer in high-temperature fibrous heat insulation of reusable orbital space vehicles

    TVT, 32:3 (1994),  398–405
  27. A comparative analysis of two modifications of the method of temperature waves for measuring the thermal diffusivity of heat-insulating materials

    TVT, 31:5 (1993),  817–820
  28. The setup for determining the absorption coefficient by the method of temperature waves

    TVT, 31:4 (1993),  642–648
  29. The spectral and temperature dependence of the absorption coefficient of magnesium oxide in the semitransparency range

    TVT, 31:3 (1993),  383–389
  30. The temperature dependence of the spectral absorption coefficient of zinc sulfide in the infrared range of the semitransparent region

    TVT, 31:2 (1993),  222–228
  31. Measurement of the high-temperature diffusivity of thermal insulation materials by the method of temperature waves

    TVT, 30:6 (1992),  1102–1110
  32. Investigation of the melting and solidification temperatures of magnesia during radiant heating with a $\mathrm{CO}_2$ laser

    TVT, 30:5 (1992),  923–929
  33. Thermal radiation characteristics of magnesium oxide during its heating to temperatures corresponding to its intensive vaporization

    TVT, 30:2 (1992),  281–289
  34. Temperature dependence of the IR spectral absorption coefficient of lithium, magnesium, potassium, and barium–fluoride single crystals

    TVT, 30:1 (1992),  69–75
  35. Experimental study of the condensation of high-melting oxides during the surface heating of a target in air by laser radiation

    TVT, 29:5 (1991),  981–987
  36. Method of determining the effective absorption coefficient and diffusion coefficient of radiation in strongly scattering materials. Experiment

    TVT, 29:3 (1991),  461–467
  37. Effective absorption coefficient and diffusion coefficient of radiation in strongly scattering materials

    TVT, 29:2 (1991),  331–337
  38. Experimental determination of the optical properties of fibrous quartz thermal insulation

    TVT, 29:1 (1991),  134–138
  39. Temperature dependence of the absorption coefficient of fluorides of calcium and lithium in the translucent region

    TVT, 28:3 (1990),  487–493
  40. Experimental-study of the surface heating of magnesium-oxide ceramic by laser-radiation

    TVT, 25:2 (1987),  361–368
  41. Theoretical and experimental-study of radiative convective heat-transfer during the cooling of quartz glass

    TVT, 25:2 (1987),  334–339
  42. An apparatus for measuring the reflectivity of a partially transparent material at very high-temperatures

    TVT, 24:1 (1986),  125–130
  43. Effect of defectiveness of the microstructure on the electrophysical properties of pyrolytic zirconium carbide with a near-stoichiometric composition

    TVT, 23:6 (1985),  1082–1085
  44. Temperature patterns in white sapphire crystals

    TVT, 22:1 (1984),  69–73
  45. Determination of the coefficient of thermal-conductivity of silica glass by the contactless flat-plate method at $900$$1500$-degrees-K

    TVT, 21:6 (1983),  1106–1114
  46. Optical-parameters of gadolinium gallium garnet

    TVT, 21:4 (1983),  680–687
  47. Optical-properties of leucosapphire at high-temperatures. II. Single-crystal properties in the opaque region and properties of the melt

    TVT, 20:6 (1982),  1085–1092
  48. Исследование спектральной излучательной способности боросиликатных покрытий на высокотемпературных теплоизоляционных материалах

    TVT, 20:5 (1982),  992–995
  49. Optical-properties of leucosapphire at high-temperatures. I. Translucent region

    TVT, 20:5 (1982),  872–880
  50. Некоторые особенности исследования излучательных характеристик покрытий на низкотеплопроводной подложке

    TVT, 20:4 (1982),  788–790
  51. Experimental-study of the temperature distributions in white sapphire single-crystals

    TVT, 20:4 (1982),  725–732
  52. Temperature-dependence of the high-temperature electrical-resistivity of specimens of the system $\mathrm{ZrC}$$\mathrm{C}$ obtained by chemical gas-phase deposition

    TVT, 20:3 (1982),  476–480
  53. Электропроводность стехиометрического карбида циркония при высоких температурах (№ 4826-81 Деп. от 19.Х.1981)

    TVT, 20:1 (1982),  204
  54. Emissivity and electrical-conductivity of stoichiometric titanium nitride at high-temperatures

    TVT, 20:1 (1982),  63–66
  55. Theoretical basis of the contactless method of determining the thermal-conductivity of partially transparent materials

    TVT, 19:4 (1981),  849–856
  56. Температурная зависимость коэффициента теплопроводности кварцевых стекол в интервале $600$$1200$ K

    TVT, 19:3 (1981),  661–663
  57. Emissivity of stoichiometric zirconium and titanium carbides at high-temperatures

    TVT, 19:2 (1981),  313–320
  58. Surface Temperature Measurement for Some Semitransparent Materials

    TVT, 18:1 (1980),  174–180
  59. Emissivity of stoichiometric hafnium carbide at high temperatures

    TVT, 18:1 (1980),  76–83
  60. Спектральная излучательная способность пирографита в инфракрасной области при высоких температурах

    TVT, 17:5 (1979),  988–991
  61. Радиационно-кондуктивный теплоперенос в плоском слое селективной среды с полупрозрачными границами

    TVT, 16:6 (1978),  1277–1284
  62. Спектральный коэффициент поглощения кварцевых стекол KB и КСГ при температурах $1300$$1700$ K в области спектра $0{,}25$$1{,}25$ мкм

    TVT, 16:6 (1978),  1215–1218
  63. Приближенная методика расчета истинной температуры по показаниям инфракрасного пирометра при наличии излучения фона

    TVT, 16:5 (1978),  1046–1053
  64. Экспериментальное исследование спектральной излучательной способности кварцевого стекла при высоких температурах

    TVT, 16:4 (1978),  749–754
  65. Температурная зависимость спектральной излучательной способности кварцевых стекол марки КИ и КСГ в ИК-области (№ 706–78 Деп. от 6 III 1978)

    TVT, 16:3 (1978),  665
  66. Method of investigation and experimental device for measuring the coefficient of thermal conductivity of refractory compounds

    TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1256–1261
  67. Emissivity of stoichiometric zirconium carbide

    TVT, 15:5 (1977),  983–988
  68. О влиянии радиальной неизотермичности при высокотемпературном исследовании осевым методом коэффициента теплопроводности цилиндрических образцов, нагреваемых проходящим электрическим током (№ 882-77 Деп. от 10/III 1977)

    TVT, 15:3 (1977),  682
  69. Исследование спектрального коэффициента поглощения рубина и лейкосапфира при высоких температурах

    TVT, 15:1 (1977),  214–216
  70. Effect of boundary reflection and selectivity of optical characteristics of the medium on radiative-conductive heat transfer in a plane layer

    TVT, 14:5 (1976),  957–964
  71. Investigation of spectral absorption-coefficient of quartz glasses in $2.0$$4.8$-$\mu$m region at high-temperatures

    TVT, 14:3 (1976),  661–663
  72. High-temperature darkening of fused silica and absorption-spectrum measurement

    TVT, 14:2 (1976),  393–395
  73. Experimental investigation of the spectral absorptance of quartz glasses in the wavelength region $0.25$$1.25$ $\mu$m at high temperatures

    TVT, 14:1 (1976),  87–93
  74. Radiation characteristics of fused quartz. Integrated emissivity

    TVT, 13:6 (1975),  1178–1188
  75. Radiative characteristics of fused quartz. Angular and polarization characteristics

    TVT, 13:3 (1975),  531–537
  76. Радиационные характеристики кварцевых стекол. Спектральная излучательная способность

    TVT, 13:2 (1975),  335–345
  77. Effect of differences in bound water content on emissive characteristics of quartz glasses

    TVT, 13:1 (1975),  104–109
  78. Некоторые теплофизические свойства изотропного пиролитического графита

    TVT, 11:2 (1973),  308–313
  79. Исследование удельного электросопротивления нитридов циркония и гафния

    TVT, 10:5 (1972),  1007–1012
  80. Интегральная нормальная излучательная способность кварцевого стекла марки «КИ» при высоких температурах

    TVT, 10:4 (1972),  778–782
  81. Новый метод определения интегральной излучательной способности частично прозрачных материалов при высоких температурах

    TVT, 10:2 (1972),  405–411
  82. Установка для определения интегральной нормальной излучательной способности в интервале температур $600$$1500^{\circ}$K

    TVT, 9:6 (1971),  1253–1259
  83. Влияние температуры термообработки пирографита на его коэффициент теплопроводности и удельное электросопротивление

    TVT, 9:4 (1971),  851–854
  84. Specific Electrical Resistivity of Pyrographite

    TVT, 9:2 (1971),  302–305
  85. Thermal Conductivity of Pyrographite at High Temperatures

    TVT, 9:1 (1971),  80–84
  86. Experimental determination of the radiating power of pyrolytic graphite

    TVT, 8:6 (1970),  1204–1208
  87. Specific electrical resistivity of yttrium

    TVT, 8:5 (1970),  1106–1108
  88. Emissivity of zirconium diboride

    TVT, 8:5 (1970),  1098–1100
  89. Интегральная полусферическая излучательная способность пиролитического карбида циркония

    TVT, 7:2 (1969),  260–264
  90. Интегральная нормальная излучательная способность карбидов тантала и гафния в интервале температур $1300$$3000^{\circ}$ K

    TVT, 7:2 (1969),  257–259
  91. Интегральная полусферическая излучательная способность пиролитического карбида кремния

    TVT, 7:1 (1969),  179–180
  92. Методика измерений и экспериментальная установка для определения интегральной нормальной излучательной способности конструкционных материалов в интервале температур от $1200$ до $3000^{\circ}$ K

    TVT, 7:1 (1969),  121–126
  93. Экспериментальное измерение энтальпии молибдена при предельно высоких температурах

    TVT, 6:4 (1968),  752–753
  94. Интегральная полусферическая излучательная способность и удельное электросопротивление Тантала в интервале температур $1200$$2800^\circ$ K

    TVT, 6:3 (1968),  548–549
  95. Интегральная полусферическая излучательная способность, монохроматическая $(\lambda=0,65$ мкм$)$ излучательная способность и удельное электросопротивление карбидов циркония и ниобия в интервале температур $1200$$3500^{\circ}$ K

    TVT, 5:6 (1967),  995–1000
  96. Experimental determination of the degree of blackness of $\rm Nb$ at temperatures of $1200$$2500^{\circ}$K

    TVT, 1:3 (1963),  462–464
  97. Experimental determination of the integral emissivity of metals and alloys at high temperatures

    TVT, 1:1 (1963),  24–29
  98. An experimental study of the enthalpy of tungsten in the $2400\div2820^\circ$ С temperature range

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 144:2 (1962),  390–391

  99. О книге Г. Ф. Мучника и И. Б. Рубашова «Методы теории теплообмена. Тепловое излучение»

    TVT, 15:1 (1977),  225
  100. Замечания к статье “Теплопроводность и степень черноты покрытия из окиси алюминия при высоких температурах”

    TVT, 6:3 (1968),  573–574
  101. Seminar on methods of preparation, physical properties, and electronic structure of high-melting-point metals and their compounds and alloys

    TVT, 1:1 (1963),  156

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