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Kovbasyuk Valentin Igorevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. The efficiency of different technologies for the preparation and use of wet fuel in power engineering

    TVT, 56:4 (2018),  603–608
  2. Improvement of thermodynamic efficiency of the humid biofuel application in the distributed generation power suppliers

    TVT, 55:1 (2017),  76–80
  3. On the technology for effective utilization of humid fuels

    TVT, 53:3 (2015),  475–477
  4. Dust reactor for limestone calcination

    TVT, 53:2 (2015),  301–311
  5. On the calculated optimization of a gasifier

    TVT, 50:6 (2012),  835–840
  6. Magnetohydrodynamic electric power station with thermochemical conversion of fuel. Technological scheme and thermal efficiency

    TVT, 30:3 (1992),  621–629
  7. Contracted discharge at the electrodes in an MHD generator

    TVT, 25:4 (1987),  636–643
  8. Analysis of the characteristics of a diffuse discharge in the near-anode boundary-layer of an MHD generator

    TVT, 24:6 (1986),  1049–1054
  9. Effect of nonequilibrium chemical-reactions on the concentration distribution of alkali atoms in the boundary-layer of a combustion product plasma

    TVT, 24:3 (1986),  458–462
  10. Measurements on the potential differences across boundary-layers in large-scale MHD channels

    TVT, 24:2 (1986),  370–377
  11. Forced-oscillations in an MHD channel

    TVT, 24:1 (1986),  144–149
  12. Two-dimensional electrodynamic effects near the surface of interelectrodic insulators

    TVT, 23:6 (1985),  1187–1192
  13. Effect of finite segmenting on the voltage drop in boundary-layers and internal resistance of magnetohydrodynamic ducts

    TVT, 23:2 (1985),  373–376
  14. Features of the local current and potential distributions in a diagonal MHD channel

    TVT, 22:3 (1984),  593–599
  15. A study of the electrical characteristics of a MHD generator with diagonally connected load – channel 1D in the U-25 system

    TVT, 22:3 (1984),  574–580
  16. A numerical investigation of the electrical characteristics of the electrode boundary layer of a slightly ionized plasma of molecular gases

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 24:3 (1983),  13–19
  17. A computitional model of diffuse discharge on electrodes in weakly ionized plasma

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 266:4 (1982),  812–816
  18. Development of electrical inhomogeneities in MHD channels and their statistical-analysis

    TVT, 19:5 (1981),  1061–1066
  19. Effect of near-electrode phenomena on electrical nonuniformities in MHD channels

    TVT, 19:4 (1981),  857–862
  20. Appearance of interelectrode arcs and electric fluctuations in an MHD channel

    TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1294–1302
  21. Two-dimensional electrical effects in a frame-type MHD channel

    TVT, 15:2 (1977),  390–398
  22. Effect of various losses on the characteristics of powerful MHD generators

    TVT, 14:4 (1976),  846–852
  23. Исследование оптимальных характеристик МГД-генератора для комбинированных МГДЭС открытого цикла

    TVT, 13:2 (1975),  407–412
  24. Некоторые результаты исследований электрической прочности конструкции МГД-генератора на установке У-$25$

    TVT, 12:2 (1974),  412–416
  25. Расчетный анализ характеристик МГД-генератора установки У-$25$

    TVT, 12:2 (1974),  390–398
  26. К выбору параметров пиковой МГД-установки

    TVT, 10:5 (1972),  1097–1101
  27. Технико-экономический анализ электростанции замкнутого цикла с МГД-генератором на неравновесной плазме

    TVT, 9:6 (1971),  1264–1270
  28. Thermal Schemes of Closed-Cycle Electric Power Plants with a Nonequilibrium MHD Generator

    TVT, 9:1 (1971),  170–173
  29. On Determinating the Characteristics of a Magnetohydrodynamic Generator Operating on Nonequilibrium Plasma

    TVT, 9:1 (1971),  159–164
  30. Анализ схемы энергетической установки с МГД-генератором и термокомпрессором

    TVT, 6:6 (1968),  1118–1123
  31. Некоторые особенности работы МГД-генератора при больших числах Холла

    TVT, 3:6 (1965),  845–850
  32. К вопросу оптимизации течения неравновесной плазмы в канале МГД-генератора

    TVT, 3:4 (1965),  562–568
  33. Второй международный симпозиум по вопросам магнитогидродинамического метода прямого преобразования энергии

    TVT, 2:6 (1964),  950–956
  34. К анализу эффекта холла в движущейся плазме

    TVT, 2:2 (1964),  156–159

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