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Kurganov Vladimir Alekseevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Normal and deteriorated heat transfer upon heating of turbulent flows of heat carriers with variable physical properties in tubes

    TVT, 54:4 (2016),  609–631
  2. An integral method of calculation of stabilized heat transfer in tubes in single-phase near-critical region

    TVT, 48:4 (2010),  568–581
  3. A modified model for the calculation of fully developed heat transfer and drag in tubes under conditions of turbulent flow of gases with varying physical properties

    TVT, 41:6 (2003),  889–900
  4. Calculation of Heat Transfer and Drag in Tubes under Conditions of Laminar Flow of Gases with Varying Properties

    TVT, 40:6 (2002),  947–957
  5. Ribbed Heat Absorbers with Convective Thermochemical Cooling under Conditions of Diffusion-Kinetic Reaction Modes

    TVT, 40:2 (2002),  328–336
  6. Ribbed Heat Absorbers with Forced-Convection and Combination Cooling

    TVT, 40:1 (2002),  121–128
  7. High-temperature heat-shielding panels with thermochemical cooling based on the reaction of steam conversion of methane

    TVT, 38:6 (2000),  963–974
  8. The thermal conductivity of a rib in the presence of a catalytic reaction on its surface

    TVT, 33:2 (1995),  236–244
  9. Effect of longitudinal heat conduction on heat transfer in rod flow

    TVT, 30:4 (1992),  738–744
  10. Total flow resistance and fluid friction associated with ascending and descending supercritical fluid-flow in heated pipes

    TVT, 27:1 (1989),  94–103
  11. Heat-transfer to gases with variable properties in tubes, taking account of flow laminarization

    TVT, 25:4 (1987),  700–707
  12. Experimental-study of velocity and temperature-fields in an ascending flow of carbon-dioxide at supercritical pressure in a heated vertical pipe

    TVT, 24:6 (1986),  1104–1111
  13. Effect of dissolved-gas on heat-transfer during turbulent pipe-flow of carbon-dioxide at supercritical pressure

    TVT, 23:4 (1985),  742–747
  14. Heat-transfer and flow resistance in the turbulent pipe-flow of a fluid with near-critical state parameters

    TVT, 21:1 (1983),  92–100
  15. Calculation of heat-transfer in smooth pipes with turbulent-flow of gaseous heat-carriers with constant and variable physical-properties

    TVT, 20:4 (1982),  705–711
  16. Intensification of deteriorated heat transfer in heated tubes at supercritical pressures

    TVT, 19:6 (1981),  1208–1212
  17. Experimental investigation of drag and heat transfer in a turbulent flow of fluid at supercritical pressure

    TVT, 18:1 (1980),  100–111
  18. Тепло- и массообмен в трубах при нагревании диссоциирующего на стенке газа в условиях больших тепловых нагрузок

    TVT, 16:4 (1978),  796–810
  19. Ламинаризация течения и кризис теплоотдачи в трубах при интенсивном нагревании турбулентного потока газа, эндотермически диссоциирующего на стенке

    TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1230–1240
  20. Results of an experimental investigation of heat transfer with the heating in tubes of a turbulent flow of gas, dissociating catalytically at the wall

    TVT, 15:1 (1977),  84–95
  21. К расчету теплоотдачи в трубах с неравномерным по длине обогревом при турбулентном течении газов с переменными физическими свойствами

    TVT, 12:5 (1974),  1038–1044
  22. Анализ и обобщение опытных данных по теплоотдаче в трубах при турбулентном течении газов с переменными физическими свойствами

    TVT, 12:2 (1974),  304–315
  23. Experimental study of heat transfer to a turbulent flow of a multiatomic gas when there is a large temperature drop

    TVT, 8:6 (1970),  1311–1315
  24. Экспериментальное исследование теплоотдачи при ламинарном течении газа с переменными физическими свойствами в гидродинамическом начальном участке трубы

    TVT, 7:5 (1969),  1034–1037

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