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Park Jihun

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Simply connected Sasaki-Einstein 5-manifolds
    Jihun Park
    Conference “Birational geometry and Fano varieties” dedicated to Yu.G. Prokhorov 60th anniversary
    March 14, 2024 17:15   
  2. Sasaki-Einstein metrics on simply connected rational homology 5-spheres
    Jihun Park
    "Birational Geometry and Fano varieties" dedicated to V. Iskovskikh
    June 27, 2019 14:30   
  3. 28-nodal del Pezzo 3-folds of degree 1 and smooth quartic curves
    Jihun Park
    Birational Geometry, Kahler–Einstein Metrics and Degenerations
    April 8, 2019 12:00
  4. Automorphism groups of the complements of hypersurfaces
    J. Park
    Korean–Russian Algebraic Geometry Meeting
    April 7, 2019 11:45
  5. Kaehler-Einstein metrics, slope stability and Fano bundles
    J. Park
    Weekly seminar of Laboratory of algebraic geometry
    July 8, 2011 17:00
  6. Quasi-smooth Fano 3-fold hypersurfaces in the 95 families
    J. Park
    Iskovskikh Seminar
    July 7, 2011 18:00

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