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Kislyakov Serguei Vital'evich

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Correction theorems and the uncertainty principle
    S. V. Kislyakov
    Conference on the Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of O. V. Besov
    May 29, 2023 10:00   
  2. A violation of the uncertainty principle: indicator functions with thin spectrum and uniformly bounded partial Fourier integrals
    S. V. Kislyakov
    Joint Mathematical seminar of Saint Petersburg State University and Peking University
    May 19, 2022 15:00
  3. Indicator functions with gaps in the spectrum
    S. V. Kislyakov
    SIMC Open
    December 24, 2019 12:20   
  4. Grothendieck's theorem for certain function algebras and their modules
    S. V. Kislyakov
    Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
    November 13, 2019 16:45
  5. Interpolation for intersections of certain Hardy-type spaces
    Sergey Kislyakov
    Conference on Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics, dedicated to the 70th birthday of A. G. Sergeev
    March 21, 2019 10:30   
  6. A general property of ideals in uniform algebras
    S. V. Kislyakov
    International Conference on Complex Analysis Dedicated to the memory of Andrei Gonchar and Anatoliy Vitushkin
    October 9, 2018 10:30   
  7. New estimates in Corona Theorem
    S. V. Kislyakov
    Traditional winter session MIAN–POMI devoted to the topic "Complex analysis"
    December 21, 2015 11:00   
  8. Littlewood-Paley-Rubio de Francia inequality: the final stage of the plot
    S. V. Kislyakov
    Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
    February 17, 2011 16:00   
  9. Opening ceremony of the conference “Mathematics - XXI century. PDMI 70th anniversary”
    S. V. Kislyakov, L. D. Faddeev
    Mathematics - XXI century. PDMI 70th anniversary
    September 13, 2010 10:15   
  10. Operator spaces and the similarity problem
    S. V. Kislyakov
    Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
    December 22, 1998

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