Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
Automorphisms of genus 2 curves G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 27, 2024 18:30
Elliptic integrals and their generalizations G. B. Shabat
Theory of Riemann surfaces: methods and applications November 11, 2024 17:30
Decompositions of Riemann surfaces into cylinders G. B. Shabat
Theory of Riemann surfaces: methods and applications November 11, 2024 16:45
On Voevodsky's papers G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 6, 2024 18:30
Genus 2 curves as 3D quintics G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields September 25, 2024 18:30
On genus 2 curves and Riemann surfaces G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields May 22, 2024 18:30
Dessins d'enfants and Rado's theorem on the triangulability of surfaces G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields May 8, 2024 18:30
Lecture 10. Structures on Manifolds G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Structures on Manifolds" May 6, 2024 18:15
On the problem by Lando and Zvonkin G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 24, 2024 18:30
Lecture 9. Structures on Manifolds G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Structures on Manifolds" April 22, 2024 18:15
Lecture 8. Structures on Manifolds G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Structures on Manifolds" April 15, 2024 18:15
Again about (d,g)=(4,1) G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 3, 2024 18:30
Lecture 7. Structures on Manifolds G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Structures on Manifolds" April 1, 2024 18:15
Some ideas on classification of groups and dessins G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 13, 2024 18:30
Fried network in Hurwitz space of degree 4, genus 1 G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 28, 2024 18:30
On the geometric description of critical filtrations G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 21, 2024 18:30
Introduction to Theta functions, II G. B. Shabat
Constructive Methods of the Theory of Riemann Surfaces and Applications November 17, 2023 13:15
Introduction to Theta functions, I G. B. Shabat
Constructive Methods of the Theory of Riemann Surfaces and Applications November 17, 2023 12:15
Piecewise-euclidean structures on Riemann surfaces G. B. Shabat
Constructive Methods of the Theory of Riemann Surfaces and Applications November 13, 2023 13:00
Research topics for young participants G. B. Shabat, N. Ya. Amburg
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 1, 2023 18:30
Projective connections and Schottky uniformization. Continuation. G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 18, 2023 18:30
Projective connections and Schottky uniformization. G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 11, 2023 18:30
Thurston's geometrization and three-dimensional analogues of children's drawings. G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 4, 2023 18:30
Moduli spaces of curves with one marked point G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields June 14, 2023 18:30
Complexity and height (on the example of dessins d'enfants and Bely's pairs) G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields May 3, 2023 18:30
Towards tropical dessins d'enfants E. M. Kreines, G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 8, 2023 18:30
Lecture 11. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" December 12, 2022 18:00
Critical filtration of Hurwitz spaces (continuation) G. B. Shabat
Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) November 30, 2022 16:45
Lecture 10. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" November 28, 2022 18:00
Lecture 9. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" November 21, 2022 18:00
Lecture 8. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" November 14, 2022 18:00
Shioda cubic G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 9, 2022 19:00
Shioda cubic G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 2, 2022 18:30
Research topics in dessins d'infants and their generalisations N. Ya. Amburg, G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 26, 2022 18:30
Critical filtration of Hurwitz spaces G. B. Shabat
Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) October 26, 2022 16:45
Lecture 6. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" October 24, 2022 18:00
Lecture 5. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" October 17, 2022 18:00
Lines on cubic surfaces and dessins d'enfants G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 12, 2022 18:30
Lecture 4. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" October 10, 2022 18:00
Lines on cubic surfaces and dessins d'enfants G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 5, 2022 18:30
Lecture 2. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" October 3, 2022 18:00
Lines on cubic surfaces and dessins d'enfants G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields September 28, 2022 18:30
Lecture 3. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" September 26, 2022 18:00
Lecture 1. Arithmetic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Arithmetic surfaces" September 12, 2022 18:00
International conference devoted to 70th birthday of George Shabat G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields June 22, 2022 11:00
On two-dimensional analogs of Belyi pairs G. B. Shabat
Algebra and geometry: conference on the occasion of V.S. Kulikov 70th
birthday May 27, 2022 15:00
Lecture 14. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" May 16, 2022 18:00
Lecture 9. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" May 2, 2022 18:00
Lecture 11. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" April 18, 2022 18:00
On fusion of critical values of ratinal functions G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 13, 2022 18:30
Lecture 10. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" April 11, 2022 18:00
Hilbert-Blumenthal surfaces G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 6, 2022 18:30
Hilbert-Blumenthal surfaces G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 30, 2022 18:30
Lecture 8. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" March 28, 2022 18:00
Lecture 7. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" March 21, 2022 18:00
More on fields of definition for genus 1 Belyi pairs A. Molyakov, G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 16, 2022 18:30
Lecture 6. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" March 14, 2022 18:00
Lecture 5. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" March 7, 2022 18:00
Dessins d’enfants and moduli spaces of curves G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 2, 2022 18:30
Lecture 4. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" February 28, 2022 18:00
Lecture 3. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" February 21, 2022 18:00
On Belyi and Fried pairs of genus 2 and degree 5 G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 16, 2022 18:30
Lecture 2. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" February 14, 2022 18:00
Lecture 1. Introduction to Grothendieck topologies G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to Grothendieck topologies" February 7, 2022 18:00
Lecture 14. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" December 6, 2021 18:00
Lecture 13. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" November 29, 2021 18:00
Lecture 12. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" November 22, 2021 18:00
Lecture 11. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" November 15, 2021 18:00
Elliptic genus and Zolotarev's polynomials G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 10, 2021 18:30
Lecture 10. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" November 8, 2021 18:00
Lecture 9. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" November 1, 2021 18:00
Minimal triangularizations G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 27, 2021 18:30
Lecture 8. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" October 25, 2021 18:00
Fried family uniformization G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 20, 2021 18:30
Lecture 7. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" October 18, 2021 18:00
Fried family uniformazation G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 13, 2021 21:00
Lecture 6. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" October 11, 2021 18:00
Lecture 5. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" October 4, 2021 18:00
Lecture 4. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" September 27, 2021 18:00
New computations related to critical filtrations G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields September 22, 2021 18:30
Lecture 3. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" September 20, 2021 18:00
Lecture 2. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" September 13, 2021 18:00
Lecture 1. Dessins d'enfants and number theory G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Dessins d'enfants and number theory" September 6, 2021 18:00
On dessins d’un vieillard by Manin and Marcolli G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields June 2, 2021 20:00
On a pencil of symmetric sextiks G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields May 12, 2021 18:30
Three facets of dessins d'enfants theory (the 2nd day of the Conference devoted to the memory of Gena Belyi on the occasion of his 70th birthday) G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 28, 2021 18:30
Belyi theorem and its impact on the theory of curves over number
fields G. B. Shabat
One-Day Conference in Memory of Gennady Belyi on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday April 27, 2021 12:10
Lecture 10. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" April 26, 2021 18:00
Lecture 9. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" April 19, 2021 18:00
Lecture 8. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" April 12, 2021 18:00
Lecture 7. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" April 5, 2021 18:00
Lecture 6. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" March 29, 2021 18:00
On families of toric dessins G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 24, 2021 18:30
Lecture 5. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" March 22, 2021 18:00
Lecture 4. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" March 15, 2021 18:00
Lecture 3. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" March 1, 2021 18:00
On genus 2 Belyi pairs G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 24, 2021 18:30
Ellipses and elliptic curves G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 17, 2021 18:30
Lecture 2. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" February 15, 2021 18:00
Lecture 1. Classification problems in algebraic geometry G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Classification problems in algebraic geometry" February 8, 2021 18:00
Lecture 12. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" November 27, 2020 18:00
On a degree 5 Fried family A. Molyakov, G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 25, 2020 18:30
Lecture 11. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" November 20, 2020 18:00
Lecture 10. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" November 13, 2020 18:00
Lecture 9. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" November 6, 2020 18:00
Dessins d'enfants and piecewise-euclidean metrics on Riemann surfaces G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields November 4, 2020 18:30
Lecture 8. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" October 30, 2020 18:00
Application of Swartz differential to Belyi function computation G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 28, 2020 18:30
Lecture 7. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" October 23, 2020 18:00
Application of Swartz differential to Belyi function computation G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields October 21, 2020 19:30
Lecture 6. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" October 16, 2020 18:00
Lecture 5. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" October 9, 2020 18:00
Lecture 4. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" October 2, 2020 18:00
Fried families and geography of algebraic surfaces G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields September 30, 2020 18:30
Lecture 3. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" September 25, 2020 18:00
Special type dessins d'enfants G. B. Shabat, Martynuk P.
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields September 23, 2020 18:30
Lecture 2. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" September 18, 2020 18:00
Lecture 1. Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions G. B. Shabat
Course by G. B. Shabat "Introduction to the theory of zeta-functions" September 11, 2020 18:00
On the Belyi height G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields May 27, 2020 18:30
Is it possible to understand Mochizuki? G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 29, 2020 18:30
Deformations of Belyi pairs G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields April 8, 2020 18:30
Arithmetic-geometric mean and Fried families G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields March 25, 2020 18:30
On the preprint by Manin and Marcolli N. Ya. Amburg, G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 26, 2020 18:30
Fried family related to Gauss-Landen transformations G. B. Shabat
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields February 19, 2020 18:30
On the deformations of Belyi pairs G. B. Shabat
"Algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory". Memorial conference for academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich June 6, 2017 12:20
Полвека в математике G. B. Shabat
May 25, 2017 15:40
Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves. Lecture 6 G. B. Shabat
Special course "Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves", 2015 April 27, 2015 18:00
Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves. Lecture 5 G. B. Shabat
Special course "Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves", 2015 April 20, 2015 18:00
Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves. Lecture 4 G. B. Shabat
Special course "Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves", 2015 April 6, 2015 18:00
Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves. Lecture 3 G. B. Shabat
Special course "Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves", 2015 March 16, 2015 18:00
Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves. Lecture 2 G. B. Shabat
Special course "Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves", 2015 March 2, 2015 18:00
Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves. Lecture 1 G. B. Shabat
Special course "Cohomology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves", 2015 February 16, 2015 18:00
Dessins d`enfants and the arithmetic of moduli spaces of curves G. B. Shabat
The joint seminar of the Sector 4.1 (IITP RAS) and Poncelet French-Russian laboratory "Arithmetic Geometry and Coding Theory" January 29, 2015 18:00
Dessins d`enfants and the arithmetic of moduli spaces of curves G. B. Shabat
The joint seminar of the Sector 4.1 (IITP RAS) and Poncelet French-Russian laboratory "Arithmetic Geometry and Coding Theory" January 22, 2015 18:00
Arithmetic geometry hidden in graphs on surfaces G. B. Shabat
Colloquium of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences September 4, 2014 16:00
Drawing curves over finite fields G. B. Shabat
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory June 26, 2014 12:30
From $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ -invariant Einstein metrics to dessins d'enfents (after Hitchin). Part II G. B. Shabat
Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) April 23, 2014 16:45
From $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ -invariant Einstein metrics to dessins d'enfents (after Hitchin) G. B. Shabat
Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) April 9, 2014 16:45
Algebraic solutions of Painleve-6 and their visualization G. B. Shabat
Complex analysis and mathematical physics October 28, 2013 16:00
Graphs on surfaces and algebraic curves George B. Shabat
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar June 27, 2013 16:00
Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 4 G. B. Shabat
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012 July 26, 2012 15:30
Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 3 G. B. Shabat
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012 July 25, 2012 15:30
Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 2 G. B. Shabat
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012 July 24, 2012 11:15
Introduction to Adele democracy. Lecture 1 G. B. Shabat
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2012 July 22, 2012 17:00
Dense sets of metrics on Riemann surfaces G. B. Shabat
Complex analysis and mathematical physics November 7, 2011 16:00
As can be arranged three-dimensional universe? G. B. Shabat
Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2007 July 24, 2007 09:20
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