Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
Billiards in polygons, flat surfaces, and dynamics in moduli spaces A. V. Zorich
Joint Mathematical seminar of Saint Petersburg State University and Peking University December 8, 2022 15:00
Random multicurves on surfaces, random square-tilted surfaces, and counting meanders on surfaces - 3 A. V. Zorich
The 8th Summer School-Conference on Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics July 2, 2021 11:00
Random multicurves on surfaces, random square-tilted surfaces, and counting meanders on surfaces - 2 A. V. Zorich
The 8th Summer School-Conference on Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics June 30, 2021 18:00
Random multicurves on surfaces, random square-tilted surfaces, and counting meanders on surfaces - 1 A. V. Zorich
The 8th Summer School-Conference on Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics June 29, 2021 16:30
Square-tiled surfaces, Masur-Veech volumes and count of meanders A. V. Zorich
Graphs on surfaces and curves over number fields December 2, 2020 18:30
Flat and hyperbolic enumerative geometry A. V. Zorich
International conference «Real and Complex Dynamical Systems», dedicated to the to the 75th anniversary of Yu. S. Il'yashenko November 27, 2018 09:45
Equidistribution of square-tiled surfaces, meanders, and Masur–Veech volumes A. Zorich
International conference Contemporary mathematics devoted to 80 anniversary of V. I. Arnold December 23, 2017 12:30
Lower bounds for Lyapunov exponents of flat bundles on curves Anton Zorich, Alex Eskin, Maxim Kontsevich, Martin Möller
International Conference “Anosov Systems and Modern Dynamics” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Dmitry Anosov December 20, 2016 09:00
Pillowcase covers, volumes of moduli spaces and diffusion in periodic billiards A. V. Zorich
Fourth international workshop "Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras and Topological Recursion" May 28, 2014 12:35
Right-angled billiards, pillowcase covers, and volumes of the moduli spaces A. V. Zorich
International conference "Analysis and Singularities" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold December 21, 2012 15:05
Irrational windings of flat surfaces, Teichmüller's geodesic flow, and “time machine” A. V. Zorich
Meetings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society November 9, 2004
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