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Bloch Spencer Janney

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Introduction to motivic Tamagawa numbers
    S. J. Bloch
    Workshop: Motives, Periods and L-functions
    April 11, 2017 18:00
  2. Periods in Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 6
    S. J. Bloch
    Spencer J. Bloch mini course «Periods in Algebraic Geometry»
    April 17, 2014 13:30   
  3. Periods in Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 5
    S. J. Bloch
    Spencer J. Bloch mini course «Periods in Algebraic Geometry»
    April 15, 2014 13:30   
  4. Periods in Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 4
    S. J. Bloch
    Spencer J. Bloch mini course «Periods in Algebraic Geometry»
    April 10, 2014 13:30   
  5. Infinitesimal Hodge conjecture
    S. J. Bloch
    Shafarevich Seminar
    April 8, 2014 15:00
  6. Periods in Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 3
    S. J. Bloch
    Spencer J. Bloch mini course «Periods in Algebraic Geometry»
    April 8, 2014 13:30   
  7. Periods in Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 2
    S. J. Bloch
    Spencer J. Bloch mini course «Periods in Algebraic Geometry»
    April 3, 2014 13:30   
  8. Periods in Algebraic Geometry. Lecture 1
    S. J. Bloch
    Spencer J. Bloch mini course «Periods in Algebraic Geometry»
    April 1, 2014 13:30   
  9. Dilogarithm motives arising in physics
    S. J. Bloch
    Algebraic Geometry, K-theory, and Motives (a conference dedicated to Andrei Suslin's 60th birthday)
    June 27, 2010 10:30   

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