2024 |
1. |
D. D. Kiselev, “On quadratic subfields of generalized quaternion extensions”, Izv. Math., 88:1 (2024), 77–91 |
2018 |
2. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Minimal $p$-extensions and the embedding problem”, Communications in Algebra, 46:1 (2018), 290–321 |
3. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Ultrasoluble coverings of some nilpotent groups by a cyclic group over number fields and related questions”, Izv. Math., 82:3 (2018), 512–531 |
2019 |
4. |
D. D. Kiselev, A. V. Yakovlev, “Ultrasolvable and Sylow extensions with cyclic kernel”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 30:1 (2019), 95–102 |
2018 |
5. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Optimal Control, Everywhere Dense Torus Winding, and Wolstenholme Primes”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 73:4 (2018), 162–163 |
6. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Galois theory, the classification of finite simple groups and a dense winding of a torus”, Sb. Math., 209:6 (2018), 840–849 |
2017 |
7. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Applications of Galois Theory to Optimal Control”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1894 (2017), 50–56 |
2019 |
8. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Metacyclic $2$-extensions with cyclic kernel and ultrasolvability questions”, J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.), 240:4 (2019), 447–458 |
2016 |
9. |
D. D. Kiselev, “On a dense winding of the 2-dimensional torus”, Sb. Math., 207:4 (2016), 581–589 |
10. |
S. I. Bogataya, S. A. Bogatyi, D. D. Kiselev, “Powers of elements of the series substitution group $\mathcal J(\mathbb Z_2)$”, Topology and its applications, 201, 2014 International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Nafpaktos, Greece (2016), 29–56 |
2018 |
11. |
D. D. Kiselev, “On the Ultrasolvability of p-Extensions of an Abelian Group by a Cyclic Kernel”, J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.), 232:5 (2018), 662–676 |
12. |
D. D. Kiselev, I. A. Chubarov, “On the Ultrasolvability of Some Classes of Minimal Nonsplit p-Extensions with Cyclic Kernel for p > 2”, J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.), 232:5 (2018), 677–692 |
2016 |
13. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Ultrasolvable embedding problems with cyclic kernel”, Russian Math. Surveys, 71:6 (2016), 1149–1151 |
14. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Ultrasolvable Covering of the Group $Z_2$ by the groups $Z_8$, $Z_{16}$ and $Q_8$”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 219:4 (2016), 523–538 |
2015 |
15. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Explicit Embeddings of Finite abelian $p$-Groups in the Group $\mathcal J(\mathbb F_p)”, Math. Notes, 97:1 (2015), 63-68 |
2014 |
16. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Optimal bounds for the Schur index and the realizability of representations”, Sb. Math., 205:4 (2014), 522–531 |
2013 |
17. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Examples of embedding problems the only solutions of which are fields”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:4 (2013), 776–778 |
18. |
M. I. Zelikin, D. D. Kiselev, L. V. Lokutsievskii, “Optimal control and Galois theory”, Sb. Math., 204:11 (2013), 1624–1638 |
19. |
D. D. Kiselev, “A bound for the Schur index of irreducible representations of finite groups”, Sb. Math., 204:8 (2013), 1152–1160 |
2014 |
20. |
D. D. Kiselev, B. B. Lur'e, “Ultrasolvability and singularity in the embedding problem”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 199:3 (2014), 306–312 |
2012 |
21. |
D. D. Kiselev, “Splitting fields of finite groups”, Izv. Math., 76:6 (2012), 1163–1174 |