2023 |
1. |
Teoriya funktsii mnogikh deistvitelnykh peremennykh i ee prilozheniya, Sbornik statei. K 90-letiyu chlena-korrespondenta RAN Olega Vladimirovicha Besova, Trudy MIAN, 323, ed. B. S. Kashin, A. I. Tyulenev, MIAN, M., 2023 , 306 pp. |
2. |
V. I. Burenkov, T. V. Tararykova, A. I. Tyulenev, “International conference “Theory of functions of several real variables” dedicated to the 90th birthday of professor O.V. Besov. Information letter”, Eurasian Math. J., 14:1 (2023), 96–98 ; |
3. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Traces of Sobolev spaces to irregular subsets of metric measure spaces”, Sb. Math., 214:9 (2023), 1241–1320 |
4. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Traces of Sobolev Spaces on Piecewise Ahlfors–David Regular Sets”, Math. Notes, 114:3 (2023), 351–376 |
2022 |
5. |
Alexander I. Tyulenev, “Restrictions of Sobolev $W_p^1(\mathbb R^2)$-spaces to planar rectifiable curves”, Ann. Fenn. Math., 47:1 (2022), 507–531 , arXiv: 2010.05286 ; |
6. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Nekotorye svoistva mnozhestv tipa poristosti, svyazannye s $d$-obkhvatom po Khausdorfu”, Teoriya priblizhenii, funktsionalnyi analiz i prilozheniya, Sbornik statei. K 70-letiyu akademika Borisa Sergeevicha Kashina, Trudy MIAN, 319, MIAN, M., 2022, 298–323 , arXiv: 2101.03556 |
2021 |
7. |
Funktsionalnye prostranstva, teoriya priblizhenii i smezhnye voprosy analiza, Sbornik statei. K 115-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika Sergeya Mikhailovicha Nikolskogo, Trudy MIAN, 312, ed. O. V. Besov, A. I. Tyulenev, MIAN, M., 2021 , 338 pp. |
8. |
Nicola Gigli, Alexander Tyulenev, “Korevaar–Schoen's directional energy and Ambrosio's regular Lagrangian flows”, Math. Z., 298 (2021), 1221–1261 , arXiv: 1901.03564 ; |
9. |
A. I. Tyulenev, Almost sharp descriptions of traces of Sobolev $W_{p}^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$-spaces to arbitrary compact subsets of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. The case $p \in (1,n]$, 2021 , 60 pp., arXiv: 2109.07553v3 |
10. |
Nicola Gigli, Alexander Tyulenev, “Korevaar–Schoen's energy on strongly rectifiable spaces”, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 60 (2021), 235 , 54 pp., arXiv: 2002.07440 ; |
11. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Almost Sharp Descriptions of Traces of Sobolev Spaces on Compacta”, Math. Notes, 110:6 (2021), 976–980 |
2020 |
12. |
S. K. Vodopyanov, A. I. Tyulenev, “Sobolev $W^1_p$-spaces on $d$-thick closed subsets of $\mathbb R^n$”, Sb. Math., 211:6 (2020), 786–837 |
2017 |
13. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “On various approaches to Besov-type spaces of variable smoothness”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 451:1 (2017), 371–392 |
14. |
A. I. Tyulenev, S. K. Vodop'yanov, “On the Whitney Problem for Weighted Sobolev Spaces”, Dokl. Math., 95:1 (2017), 79–83 |
2016 |
15. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Besov-type spaces of variable smoothness on rough domains”, Nonlinear Anal., 145 (2016), 176–198 |
2015 |
16. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Some new function spaces of variable smoothness”, Sb. Math., 206:6 (2015), 849–891 |
17. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Traces of weighted Sobolev spaces with Muckenhoupt weight. The case $p=1$”, Nonlinear Anal., 128 (2015), 248–272 |
2014 |
18. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Description of Traces of Functions in the Sobolev Space with a Muckenhoupt Weight”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 284 (2014), 280–295 |
19. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Boundary values of functions in a Sobolev space with Muckenhoupt weight on some non-Lipschitz domains”, Sb. Math., 205:8 (2014), 1133–1159 |
20. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Boundary values of functions from Sobolev spaces with Mockenhaupt weight on non-Lipschitz domains”, Dokl. Math., 89:3 (2014), 338–342 |
21. |
A. I. Tyulenev, Granichnye znacheniya vesovykh prostranstv Soboleva, Dis. … kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, M., 2014 |
2013 |
22. |
A. I. Tjulenev, “The Problem of Traces for Sobolev Spaces with Muckenhoupt-Type Weights”, Math. Notes, 94:5 (2013), 668–680 |
23. |
A. I. Tjulenev, “Differentiability Points of Functions in Weighted Sobolev Spaces”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 283 (2013), 250–259 |
2011 |
24. |
A. I. Tyulenev, “Kharakterizatsiya sledov vesovykh prostranstv Soboleva”, Trudy MFTI, 3:1 (2011), 141–145 http://mipt.ru/science/trudy/trudy-9/TRUDU-sborka-9-arphcxl1tgs.pdf |