1. |
V. Oganisian, T. E. Panov, “Moment-angle manifolds corresponding to three-dimensional simplicial spheres, chordality and connected sums of products of spheres”, Mat. Zametki (to appear) |
2024 |
2. |
Topologiya, geometriya, kombinatorika i matematicheskaya fizika, Sbornik statei. K 80-letiyu chlena-korrespondenta RAN Viktora Matveevicha Bukhshtabera, Trudy MIAN, 326, ed. A. A. Gaifullin, T. E. Panov, D. V. Gugnin, N. Yu. Erokhovets, MIAN, M., 2024 , 398 pp. |
3. |
Taras E. Panov, Temurbek A. Rahmatullaev, “Polyhedral Products, Graph Products, and $p$-Central Series”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 326 (2024), 269–285 |
2023 |
4. |
T. E. Panov, G. Chernykh, “$SU$-linear operations in complex cobordism and the $c_1$-spherical bordism theory”, Izv. Math., 87:4 (2023), 768–797 |
2022 |
5. |
Toricheskaya topologiya, deistviya grupp, geometriya i kombinatorika. Chast 1, Sbornik statei, Trudy MIAN, 317, ed. V. M. Bukhshtaber, A. A. Gaifullin, T. E. Panov, N. Yu. Erokhovets, MIAN, M., 2022 , 210 pp. |
6. |
Taras E. Panov, Indira K. Zeinikesheva, “Equivariant Cohomology of Moment–Angle Complexes with Respect to Coordinate Subtori”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 317 (2022), 141–150 |
7. |
I. Yu. Limonchenko, T. E. Panov, “Monomial non-Golod face rings and Massey products”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:4 (2022), 762–765 |
8. |
Toricheskaya topologiya, deistviya grupp, geometriya i kombinatorika. Chast 2, Sbornik statei, Trudy MIAN, 318, ed. V. M. Bukhshtaber, A. A. Gaifullin, T. E. Panov, N. Yu. Erokhovets, MIAN, M., 2022 , 204 pp. |
2019 |
9. |
Algebraicheskaya topologiya, kombinatorika i matematicheskaya fizika, Sbornik statei. K 75-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya chlena-korrespondenta RAN Viktora Matveevicha Bukhshtabera, Trudy MIAN, 305, ed. S. P. Novikov, A. A. Gaifullin, T. E. Panov, A. A. Aizenberg, MIAN, M., 2019 , 374 pp. |
10. |
Semyon A. Abramyan, Taras E. Panov, “Higher Whitehead Products in Moment–Angle Complexes and Substitution of Simplicial Complexes”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 305 (2019), 1–21 |
11. |
I. Yu. Limonchenko, T. E. Panov, G. Chernykh, “$SU$-bordism: structure results and geometric representatives”, Russian Math. Surveys, 74:3 (2019), 461–524 |
12. |
Taras Panov, Yakov Veryovkin, “On the commutator subgroup of a right-angled Artin group”, J. Algebra, 521 (2019), 284–298 |
2018 |
13. |
Ivan Yu. Limonchenko, Zhi Lü, Taras E. Panov, “Calabi–Yau hypersurfaces and SU-bordism”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 302 (2018), 270–278 |
2017 |
14. |
V. M. Buchstaber, N. Yu. Erokhovets, M. Masuda, T. E. Panov, S. Park, “Cohomological rigidity of manifolds defined by 3-dimensional polytopes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:2 (2017), 199–256 |
2016 |
15. |
Taras Panov, Yury Ustinovskiy, Misha Verbitsky, “Complex geometry of moment-angle manifolds”, Math. Z., 284:1 (2016), 309–333 |
16. |
T. E. Panov, Ya. A. Veryovkin, “Polyhedral products and commutator subgroups of right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups”, Sb. Math., 207:11 (2016), 1582–1600 |
17. |
V. M. Buchstaber, T. E. Panov, “On manifolds defined by 4-colourings of simple 3-polytopes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 71:6 (2016), 1137–1139 |
18. |
Zhi Lü, Taras Panov, “On toric generators in the unitary and special unitary bordism rings”, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 16:5 (2016), 2865–2893 |
19. |
Jelena Grbić, Taras Panov, Stephen Theriault, Jie Wu, “The homotopy types of moment-angle complexes for flag complexes”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368:9 (2016), 6663–6682 |
2015 |
20. |
T. E. Panov, “On the cohomology of quotients of moment-angle manifolds”, Russian Math. Surveys, 70:4 (2015), 779–781 |
2013 |
21. |
A. E. Mironov, T. E. Panov, “Intersections of Quadrics, Moment-Angle Manifolds, and Hamiltonian-Minimal Lagrangian Embeddings”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 47:1 (2013), 38–49 |
22. |
T. E. Panov, “Geometric structures on moment-angle manifolds”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:3 (2013), 503–568 |
23. |
A. E. Mironov, T. E. Panov, “Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in toric varieties”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:2 (2013), 392–394 |
24. |
A. A. Gaifullin, T. E. Panov, “Victor Matveevich Buchstaber’s 70th birthday anniversary”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 74 (2013), 173 |
25. |
A. M. Vershik, A. P. Veselov, A. A. Gaifullin, B. A. Dubrovin, A. B. Zhizhchenko, I. M. Krichever, A. A. Mal'tsev, D. V. Millionshchikov, S. P. Novikov, T. E. Panov, A. G. Sergeev, I. A. Taimanov, “Viktor Matveevich Buchstaber (on his 70th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:3 (2013), 581–590 |
2012 |
26. |
Taras Panov, Yuri Ustinovsky, “Complex-analytic structures on moment-angle manifolds”, Mosc. Math. J., 12:1 (2012), 149–172 |
2008 |
27. |
M. Masuda, T. E. Panov, “Semifree circle actions, Bott towers and quasitoric manifolds”, Sb. Math., 199:8 (2008), 1201–1223 |
28. |
T. E. Panov, “Toric Kempf–Ness Sets”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 263 (2008), 150–162 |