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Pilyugin Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Determination of rate constants for nonequilibrium reactions in gases with participation of electrons from ballistic experiments

    Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 33:2 (1997),  39–51
  2. Determination from the results of ballistic experiments of the rate constants of reactions of dissociative and triple recombination of argon ions: Theoretical determination of the coefficient of triple recombination

    TVT, 35:1 (1997),  5–13
  3. Refinement of the kinetic model and determination (from the results of ballistic experiments) of the rate constants of dissociative and triple recombination of argon ions

    TVT, 34:6 (1996),  837–844
  4. Determination of recombination and attachment rate constants from ballistic experiments

    Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 31:5 (1995),  70–82
  5. Determination of the recombination rate constant for electrons with krypton ions from the results of ballistic experiments

    TVT, 33:3 (1995),  351–358
  6. Determination of the rate constant of triple recombination of electrons with aluminum ions from the results of ballistic experiments

    TVT, 32:5 (1994),  656–665
  7. The determination of recombination rate constants for electrons with ions from the results of ballistic experiments

    TVT, 31:4 (1993),  517–525

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