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Lomakin Boris Nikolaevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Experimental investigation of high-voltage glow discharge efficiency as a source of beams of run-away electrons

    TVT, 55:5 (2017),  685–691
  2. Optical properties of uranium hexafluoride and the products of its thermal decomposition

    TVT, 34:4 (1996),  531–535
  3. Электропроводность адиабатически сжатых паров цезия и калия

    TVT, 21:1 (1983),  190–192
  4. Измерение электропроводности при адиабатическом сжатии паров цезия

    TVT, 17:2 (1979),  262–265
  5. Model for the thermophysical properties of a nonideal plasma

    Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 10:2 (1974),  289–291
  6. Investigation of the nonideal caesium plasma state equation by the dynamic method

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 206:3 (1972),  576–579
  7. Интерполяционное уравнение состояния вольфрама

    TVT, 10:5 (1972),  1118–1119
  8. Импульсная рентгенография ударных волн в плотных цезиевых парах

    TVT, 9:6 (1971),  1291–1293
  9. Термодинамические свойства цезиевой плазмы

    TVT, 9:5 (1971),  869–878
  10. Use of an electric-discharge shock tube to obtain a nonideal plasma

    TVT, 9:3 (1971),  628–631
  11. The possibilities of a shock tube in obtaining and investigating dense low-temperature plasma

    TVT, 8:1 (1970),  154–158

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