Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Elliptic analogue of the Vershik–Kerov limit shape
Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 58:2 (2024), 52–71
On Cherednik and Nazarov–Sklyanin large $N$ limit construction for integrable many-body systems with elliptic dependence on momenta
JHEP, 2021:12 (2021), 062, 43 pp.
Characteristic determinant and Manakov triple for the double elliptic integrable system
SciPost Phys., 10:3 (2021), 55–34
Flavored extended instanton in QCD
JHEP, 2020:1 (2020), 074, 17 pp.
Generalized model of interacting integrable tops
JHEP, 2019:10 (2019), 081, 33 pp.
Supersymmetric extension of qKZ-Ruijsenaars correspondence
Nuclear Phys. B, 939 (2019), 174–190
Real forms of elliptic integrable systems
TMF, 199:1 (2019), 47–59
On $R$-matrix valued Lax pairs for Calogero–Moser models
J. Phys. A, 51 (2018), 315202, 26 pp.
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