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Khomkin Alexandr L'vovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Coulomb logarithm in calculating plasma conductivity: Analytical theory and numerical simulation

    TVT, 60:4 (2022),  483–487
  2. Процессы термической и “холодной” ионизации паров металлов в окрестности критической точки перехода пар–жидкость

    TVT, 59:6 (2021),  805–811
  3. A “user-friendly” three-component chemical model of nonideal plasma

    TVT, 59:1 (2021),  3–11
  4. Supercritical fluid of metal vapor plasmas, rare gases, and excitons

    UFN, 191:11 (2021),  1187–1211
  5. Plasma frequency, parabolic trajectories, and conductivity of nonideal fully ionized plasma

    TVT, 58:3 (2020),  323–326
  6. Conductivity of nonideal fully ionized plasma: Comparison of calculation results by the molecular dynamics method and model approach

    TVT, 57:4 (2019),  501–508
  7. Characteristics of interatomic and the ion-atom interaction in gases during the dissociation process

    TVT, 57:1 (2019),  4–10
  8. Equation of state, composition, and conductivity of supercritical iron vapor in the plasma fluid model

    TVT, 56:4 (2018),  483–489
  9. Electron energy distribution in nonideal coulomb systems: theory and results of a numerical experiment

    TVT, 54:6 (2016),  851–857
  10. The degree of ionization near critical points of classical Coulomb systems

    TVT, 53:5 (2015),  645–648
  11. Equation of State, Composition, and Conductivity of Dense Metal Vapor Plasma

    TVT, 52:3 (2014),  335–344
  12. Thermodynamic and transport properties of cesium vapors on binodal and in its vicinity

    TVT, 51:5 (2013),  663–669
  13. Studies on nonideal plasma published in the pages of the journal Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur (High Temperature) for the last 50 years (1963–2012): A bibliographic review

    TVT, 51:3 (2013),  326–344
  14. An ion-molecular chemical model of dense aluminum vapor plasma

    TVT, 50:3 (2012),  329–336
  15. Solution of the kinetic Boltzmann equation for a fully ionized plasma with applying the methods of computer algebra

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 52:9 (2012),  1700–1706
  16. Application of computer algebra for the calculation of bracket integrals

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 51:10 (2011),  1867–1882
  17. Basic chemical models of nonideal atomic plasma

    TVT, 42:6 (2004),  835–842
  18. Phase transition in size- and charge-asymmetric model electrolytes

    TVT, 41:5 (2003),  659–663
  19. Free energy of nonideal atomic plasma

    TVT, 41:3 (2003),  327–333
  20. Van der Waals model of thermal dusty plasma

    TVT, 39:6 (2001),  853–857
  21. Wide-range model of mixture for chemically reacting nonideal gases and composite plasma

    TVT, 39:1 (2001),  13–25
  22. The electrical conductivity of a fully ionized magnetic plasma with screened interaction between charges

    TVT, 38:6 (2000),  853–861
  23. The importance of excited states in the thermodynamics of partially ionized plasma

    TVT, 38:4 (2000),  533–538
  24. Electrical conductivity of fully ionized nonideal plasma with screened interaction between charges

    TVT, 38:1 (2000),  5–11
  25. The temperature dependence of virial coefficients in chemically reacting systems

    TVT, 37:3 (1999),  518–521
  26. The equilibrium properties of plasma of metal vapors in view of interaction of molecular particles

    TVT, 34:6 (1996),  853–866
  27. Thermodynamic functions of nonideal plasma of alkali metal vapors

    TVT, 33:2 (1995),  200–209
  28. Решение уравнения Больцмана для полностью ионизованной плазмы с короткодействующим потенциалом взаимодействия между зарядами

    TVT, 29:6 (1991),  1234–1236
  29. Electron–ion pairs in thermodynamics of nonideal Coulomb systems and plasmas

    TVT, 29:1 (1991),  72–78
  30. Broad-range equation of state of water

    TVT, 28:3 (1990),  467–472
  31. Ionization equilibrium and energy-balance of electrons in an atomic gas with metal vapor impurity under conditions of interaction with a laser-beam

    TVT, 26:6 (1988),  1066–1071
  32. Theory of breakdown of molecular gases by laser radiation near a metal surface

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:11 (1984),  2221–2226
  33. Quasi-bound electron-states and their localization in plasma with strong coulomb interaction

    TVT, 19:4 (1981),  673–679
  34. К расчету термодинамических функций, состава и электропроводности плазмы инертных газов

    TVT, 16:1 (1978),  37–42
  35. К вопросу о составе равновесной плазмы

    TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1304–1306
  36. Электрон-ионные коррелированные пары в плазме и их влияние на электропроводность

    TVT, 15:1 (1977),  188–191
  37. Nearest-neighbor approximation in the thermodynamics of coulomb systems and plasmas

    TMF, 26:3 (1976),  364–375
  38. Thermodynamics of Coulomb systems

    TVT, 14:1 (1976),  204–207
  39. Об электропроводности плазмы аргона и ксенона

    TVT, 12:4 (1974),  879–881
  40. Особенности дебаевского экранирования и уравнение состояния частично ионизованной плазмы

    TVT, 10:5 (1972),  939–949
  41. Canonical transformation method in the thermodynamics of a partially ionized plasma

    TMF, 8:1 (1971),  109–118

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