Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Изучение процессов дополнительной генерации турбулентности в двухфазных потоках с крупными частицами
TVT, 62:5 (2024), 787–791
О некоторых особенностях осаждения одиночных капель на модель с полусферическим торцем при различных температурах
TVT, 62:4 (2024), 558–562
Межчастичные столкновения в турбулентных двухфазных потоках
TVT, 62:3 (2024), 458–473
Ignition and combustion of synthetic high molecular hydrocarbons in high enthalpy airflow
Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 59:4 (2023), 35–43
Гидрогазодинамика и теплофизика двухфазных потоков с твердыми частицами, каплями и пузырями
TVT, 61:6 (2023), 926–948
Flow characteristics in the wake of a large moving particle
TVT, 60:5 (2022), 701–707
Measurements of the particle concentration fields in a two-phase flow past a blunt body
TVT, 60:3 (2022), 415–420
On some features of the gravitational deposition of drops on a model with a hemispherical end
TVT, 59:5 (2021), 715–721
Analysis of mechanisms of the effect of macro-, micro-, and nanoparticles on the energy of carrier gas turbulence
TVT, 59:4 (2021), 527–532
К выбору инерционности частиц, используемых для оптической диагностики высокоскоростных газовых потоков
TVT, 59:3 (2021), 411–414
Two-phase boundary layer of gas with solid particles
TVT, 58:5 (2020), 789–808
Two-phase flows with solid particles, droplets, and bubbles: Problems and research results (review)
TVT, 58:4 (2020), 646–669
Experimental study of some characteristics of nonstationary wall-free fire whirls
TVT, 57:5 (2019), 738–743
Collision of particles and droplets in turbulent two-phase flows
TVT, 57:4 (2019), 588–608
Gas-solid flows past bodies
TVT, 56:2 (2018), 282–305
The effect of gas injection on the protection of body surfaces streamlined by a two-phase flow
TVT, 55:6 (2017), 785–788
Characteristics of subcooled water boiling on structured surfaces
TVT, 55:6 (2017), 712–719
Air tornado-like vortices: Mathematical modeling
TVT, 55:2 (2017), 291–316
On the possibility of generating nonstationary fire whirls under the conditions of solid fuel axisymmetric burning
TVT, 55:1 (2017), 150–153
Concentrated air and fire vortices: Physical modeling (a review)
TVT, 54:3 (2016), 430–452
Influence of the by-pass ratio of a basic turbofan engine on the possibility of creating aeroderivative trigeneration power plants
TVT, 53:6 (2015), 928–933
Generation of free concentrated fire vortices under laboratory conditions
TVT, 53:4 (2015), 630–633
Effect of particles on carrier gas flow turbulence
TVT, 53:3 (2015), 441–466
Clusterization of particles in turbulent and vortex two-phase flows
TVT, 52:5 (2014), 777–796
About Choice of Particle Parameters for Vizualization and Diagnostics of Free Consentrated Air Vortices
TVT, 52:4 (2014), 581–587
Analysis of the deposition processes of solid particles onto channel walls
TVT, 51:5 (2013), 738–746
Analysis of collisions of solid bidispersed particles during their gravitational sedimentation
TVT, 51:4 (2013), 557–566
Fluid dynamics and thermal physics of two-phase flows: Problems and achievements
TVT, 51:3 (2013), 421–455
Method of impact on free nonstationary air vortices
TVT, 50:4 (2012), 533–537
Physical Simulation of Air Tornados: Some Dimensionless Parameters
TVT, 49:2 (2011), 317–320
Simulation of free heat vortexes: Generation, stability, control
TVT, 48:6 (2010), 965–972
The possibilities of visualization in the case of simulation of air tornados
TVT, 48:4 (2010), 617–622
The possibility of influencing vortex atmospheric formations
TVT, 48:3 (2010), 433–437
The parameters of unstable stratification of air leading to generation of free vortexes
TVT, 48:2 (2010), 269–273
Controlling the behavior of air tornados
TVT, 47:6 (2009), 870–876
The generation of free concentrated air vortexes under laboratory conditions
TVT, 47:1 (2009), 84–88
The possibility of physical simulation of air tornados under laboratory conditions
TVT, 46:6 (2008), 957–960
An experimental investigation of the behavior of solid particles during their motion in smooth and dimpled pipes
TVT, 45:2 (2007), 254–260
Analysis of the possibility of using laser Doppler anemometer for the investigation of highly dust-laden flows
TVT, 44:2 (2006), 298–303
Investigation of the behavior of reflected particles under conditions of heterogeneous flow past a blunt body: Experiment and calculation
TVT, 43:2 (2005), 317–320
Pseudolaminar boundary layer on a blunt body subjected to a heterogeneous flow
TVT, 42:1 (2004), 77–82
Laser Doppler anemometry of "gas–solid particles" heterogeneous flows: problems, advances, prospects
TVT, 41:5 (2003), 746–754
The distribution of phase velocities of heterogeneous flow in the neighborhood of the stagnation point of a blunt body
TVT, 41:4 (2003), 549–553
Investigation of the behavior of reflected particles under conditions of heterogeneous flow past blunt bodies
TVT, 41:1 (2003), 70–76
Investigation of Flow in the Vicinity of Porous Material on a Cylindrical Body Subjected to Flow
TVT, 40:6 (2002), 909–915
Experimental study of fluctuations of particle velocity in a turbulent flow of air in a pipe
TVT, 38:5 (2000), 792–798
Some problems associated with experimental investigation of the structure of heterogeneous flows
TVT, 38:4 (2000), 646–653
The distribution of the velocities of doubly dispersed particles in a downward turbulent flow of air in a pipe
TVT, 38:2 (2000), 343–346
Effect of the wake behind large particles on the turbulence intensity of carrier flow
TVT, 37:4 (1999), 683–687
The effect of the concentration of particles on the intensity of pulsations of their velocities under conditions of turbulent flow of suspension of matter in gas in a pipe
TVT, 37:2 (1999), 343–346
The effect of a finely divided impurity on the turbulence intensity of a carrier flow in a pipe
TVT, 36:6 (1998), 1004–1007
Experimental investigation of the effect of solid particles on turbulent flow of air in a pipe
TVT, 36:5 (1998), 767–775
Equations of pulsation motion and pulsation heat transfer of non-Stokes particles in turbulent flows
TVT, 36:1 (1998), 154–157
Measurements of velocity fields of gas and solid particles in the boundary layer of turbulized heterogeneous flow
TVT, 33:6 (1995), 915–921
Тепломассообмен и физическая газодинамика на страницах журнала «Теплофизика высоких температур». К $60$-летию журнала
TVT, 61:6 (2023), 803–806
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