Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Анализ механизмов воспламенения стехиометрической топливно-воздушной смеси
TVT, 62:3 (2024), 414–424
Air flow control around a cylindrical model induced by a rotating electric arc discharge in an external magnetic field. Part I
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 87:7 (2017), 997–1002
Streamlining of a cylinder with an electric arc rotating in a magnetic field
TVT, 54:4 (2016), 632–635
Numerical simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation through the shock layer around a blunt-nosed body
TVT, 53:5 (2015), 741–746
Kinetic model of $\mathrm{Al}$ oxidation by water vapor in heterogeneous plasma: Heterophase kinetics
TVT, 53:1 (2015), 23–28
Kinetic model of aluminum oxidation by water vapor in heterogeneous plasma: Gas-phase kinetics
TVT, 52:5 (2014), 657–663
Aerodynamic Quality Management for the NACA 23012 Airfoil Model using the Surface High-Frequency Discharge
TVT, 52:4 (2014), 504–511
Spectral and kinetic analysis of heterogeneous gas discharge plasma in the flow of an $\mathrm{Al}$, $\mathrm{H_2O}$, and $\mathrm{Ar}$ mixture
TVT, 52:1 (2014), 3–13
The shock wave structure in a dense electronegative gas containing conductive particles
TVT, 51:5 (2013), 643–651
Experimental Study of Electrical Discharges in Gas Flows under External Magnetic Field
TVT, 49:6 (2011), 816–825
A High-Frequency Discharge on a Dielectric Surface
TVT, 49:5 (2011), 785–788
A Conducting Macroparticle In Dense Electronegative Gas Under Thermionic Emission
TVT, 49:4 (2011), 484–491
Взаимодействие электрического разряда с газовой средой во внешнем магнитном поле и влияние этого взаимодействия на структуру потока и смешение
TVT, 48:supplementary issue (2010), 155–160
Исследование МГД-торможения в атмосфере Земли
TVT, 48:supplementary issue (2010), 113–122
Экспериментальные и численные исследования МГД-взаимодействия в гиперзвуковых потоках
TVT, 48:supplementary issue (2010), 44–55
Ground MHD experiments in hypersonic flows
TVT, 48:6 (2010), 916–923
Investigation of supersonic gasdynamic and magnetogasdynamic flow in channels with large-scale irregularities
TVT, 42:5 (2004), 745–752
Cluster-impact fusion of light nuclei
TVT, 41:3 (2003), 347–352
The structure of a shock wave in the presence of physico-chemical
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 352:2 (1997), 184–186
The possibility of performing high-threshold physicochemical processes in the shock wave front
TVT, 35:2 (1997), 348–351
An investigation of the evolution of a current-carrying plasma clot and peculiarities of flow in an experimental MHD generator with a shock tube
TVT, 33:5 (1995), 782–794
Numerical study of the evolution of a current-carrying clot in an MHD facility with a shock tube
TVT, 31:6 (1993), 988–994
Hall breakdown in an MHD generator channel
TVT, 29:6 (1991), 1224–1233
Current contraction at the cathode
TVT, 28:1 (1990), 153–163
Secondary flows in large-scale MHD generator channels – channel with a diagonally directed magnetic-field
TVT, 27:5 (1989), 1001–1006
Secondary flows in large-scale MHD generator channels – magnetoaerothermal instability
TVT, 27:1 (1989), 136–144
Nonlinear nominal-state effects in secondary flows in large-scale MHD generators
TVT, 26:6 (1988), 1212–1219
Two-dimensional thermal and electric effects on a compound wall of an MHD generator under conditions of coupled heat-transfer
TVT, 26:3 (1988), 589–598
Non-linear ion density waves in the near-cathode
layer of nonuniform gas discharge plasma
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 292:4 (1987), 836–840
Optimizing the electrical load on the end zones in an MHD generator channel
TVT, 25:4 (1987), 755–762
К оценке влияния эффекта Холла на характеристики контрагированного разряда на электродах МГД-генератора
TVT, 23:4 (1985), 816–818
Characteristics of a MHD generator operating away from its nominal conditions – the R1 channel in the U-25 plant
TVT, 23:4 (1985), 798–806
К вопросу о нагружении диагональных МГД-каналов
TVT, 23:2 (1985), 410–412
A study of the electrical characteristics of a MHD generator with diagonally connected load – channel 1D in the U-25 system
TVT, 22:3 (1984), 574–580
Gas-dynamic and electrical characteristics of MHD generator according to data from physical and numerical experiments – RM channel of the U-25 device
TVT, 21:3 (1983), 567–576
Numerical-simulation of the operation of a MHD generator in transient regimes in MHD power-stations
TVT, 20:2 (1982), 347–358
Arc discharge model on electrodes of an MHD generator
TVT, 17:6 (1979), 1299–1308
Об учете влияния контракции тока на электродах на характеристики МГД-генератора
TVT, 17:5 (1979), 1069–1081
Сопоставление результатов расчета течения в канале МГД-генератора с экспериментальными
данными, полученными на Установке У-25
TVT, 16:4 (1978), 854–867
Selection of the optimal configuration of the frame and the form of the transverse cross section of a frame-type MHD channel
TVT, 15:5 (1977), 1086–1094
Two-dimensional electrical effects in a frame-type MHD channel
TVT, 15:2 (1977), 390–398
Effect of various losses on the characteristics of powerful MHD generators
TVT, 14:4 (1976), 846–852
Об инженерных методах расчета течения в канале МГД-генератора
TVT, 12:4 (1974), 817–826
Расчетный анализ характеристик МГД-генератора установки У-$25$
TVT, 12:2 (1974), 390–398
Effect of leakages on the characteristics of a magnetohydrodynamic generator
TVT, 8:4 (1970), 885–889
Квазиодномерный анализ течения в канале МГД-генератора
TVT, 7:5 (1969), 974–986
К определению времени установления неравновесного состояния на входе в канал МГД-генератора
TVT, 5:3 (1967), 418–422
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