Дата рождения:
Ключевые слова: Strict fixed point,
fixed point,
Weakly Generalized contraction,
Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric,
Multi valued mapping.
Основные темы научной работы:
Some new fixed and strict fixed point results in the set of multi-valued mappings
Основные публикации:
Farshid Khojasteh, Vladimir Rakocevic, “Some new common fixed point results for generalized contractive
multi-valued non-self-mappings”, Applied Mathematics Letter, 25 (2012), 287–293
Farshid Khojasteh, Satish Shukla, Stojan Radenovic, “A New Approach to the Study of Fixed Point Theory for Simulation
Functions”, FILOMAT, 9:6 (2015)
Farshid Khojasteh, Mujahid Abbas, “Common f-endpoint for hybrid generalized
multi-valued contraction mappings”, Springer Verlag, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicasy Nathurales Serie A Matematicas, 108:2 (2014), 369–375