Полная версия

Танцюра Максим

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. Разрезание параллелепипеда на бруски

    Матем. просв., сер. 3, 20 (2016),  215–227
  2. On strong solutions to countable systems of SDEs with interaction and non-Lipschitz drift

    Theory Stoch. Process., 21(37):1 (2016),  91–101
  3. On the strong existence and uniqueness to a solution of a countable system of SDEs with measurable drift

    Theory Stoch. Process., 19(35):2 (2014),  52–63
  4. On the generalization of the McKean–Vlasov equation to the case where the total mass of particles is infinite

    Theory Stoch. Process., 18(34):1 (2012),  119–129

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