Полная версия

Усейни Матеколаэи С. А.

Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru

  1. On the structure of Wiener–Hopf operator corresponding to anisotropic boundary value problem, connected with Helmholtz–Schrödinger еquation with the boundary conditions of the first and second type

    Уч. записки ЕГУ, сер. Физика и Математика, 2011, № 2,  22–26
  2. On the anisotropic boundary value problem, connected with Helmholtze-Schrödinger еquation, under the boundary conditions of the first and second type

    Уч. записки ЕГУ, сер. Физика и Математика, 2011, № 1,  7–11
  3. On an anisotropic boundary problem of diffraction with first and second type boundary conditions

    Уч. записки ЕГУ, сер. Физика и Математика, 2010, № 2,  12–15

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