параметризованные алгоритмы
приближённые алгоритмы
теория расписаний
Основные публикации:
Matthias Mnich and René van Bevern, “Parameterized complexity of machine scheduling: 15 open problems”, Computers & Operations Research, 100 (2018), 254-2621
René van Bevern, Christian Komusiewicz, and Manuel Sorge, “A parameterized approximation algorithm for the mixed and windy capacitated arc routing problem: theory and experiments”, Networks, 70:3 (2017), 262-278
René van Bevern, Matthias Mnich, Rolf Niedermeier, and Mathias Weller, “Interval scheduling and colorful independent sets”, Journal of Scheduling, 18:5 (2015), 449-469
René van Bevern, “Towards optimal and expressive kernelization for d-hitting set”, Algorithmica, 70:1 (2014), 129-147
René van Bevern, Vincent Froese, and Christian Komusiewicz, “Parameterizing edge modification problems above lower bounds”, Theory of Computing Systems, 62:3 (2018), 739-770